A scrappy film

I just viewed, albeit rather quickly thanks to my dvd remote..Home on the Range. I had heard that it was one of Disney's poorest films but was hoping that it might redeem itself. However the one word I can think of to describe this movie is 'scrappy' It really does feel like they pinched a whole lot of other successful Disney moments in order to 'fix' this film....I mean isn't that crazy rabbit character reminiscent of Brer Rabbit's appearance in Song of the South...while the sequence where the bad guy (whats his name?) rounds up the cattle using a hypnotic song had simple graphic animation like that in Beauty and the Beast's Be Our Guest scene, or Dumbo's dream scene....Still nothing was enough to save this film..def Saturday morning tv kinda stuff.


I agree.

"My groove thing has a mind of its own."



It tries its durndest, but doesn't come off as anything but a little kids' film. Love the songs, however.

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


As far as kids movies go, I really liked it

Uh... hi o.o


I thought it was a funny film. I liked it.
I think its one of those disney films that I like and find easy to watch (like chicken little and the emporers new groove) but mostly its just easy to watch. Other disney films, the bigger, more epic ones, I have to be in the mood for.
Glory: I need a brain
Minion: Take mine, oh groovestastic one




Yep, you´re right! Even though I´m a big Disney movie fan I think this movie is a dissapointment. It is silly and boring even for kids.
