MovieChat Forums > Roger Dodger (2002) Discussion > why does she drop the straw on the floor...

why does she drop the straw on the floor?

In the bar at the table when the blonde and boy are alone, she purposely drops a straw or toothpick on the floor. Then she says something like "can you do me a favor: can you pick that up for me?"

Why does she do that?


I'd like to think that she was going to give the boy an 'innocent' flash of delight down there. It was also her way of showing him that she'd cottoned onto his little dropping game earlier...

'You can't park that animal here...'



I'd like to think that she was going to give the boy an 'innocent' flash of delight down there. It was also her way of showing him that she'd cottoned onto his little dropping game earlier...

^^This, she was definetely flirting with him, she was going to give him a view under the table. Would've been a lucky dude if Roger didn't interrupt.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


Previously "he" had dropped a straw for the purpose of scanning the ladies' beauty hidden by the table top. Did you see that? This he learned from his mentor earlier, who was teaching him to look or admire by being clever. She asked the boy to do IT AGAIN, indicating that she was aware of the behavior, teaching him that it may not be as discreet (unnoticed) as some males believe.

Some of the older man's advise was not bad, i.e. be funny... but those "tricks" that he was teaching him, i.e. faking looking at your watch while scoping out a passing skirt, is lurid. I think the young woman, by asking him to pick up the straw, was teaching him not to do those types of things. It was not, as the previous poster indicated, to give him a flash.


That was one the most memorable part of the movie for me. I felt like she caught ME as well as Nick. It reminded me of Rear Window when the bad guy realizes what is going on and stares a hole in you.


I too thought it was to give him another flash at her goods. Both women were slightly charmed by Nick at that point, and she wanted to give the boy a good look, and she was doing it by reassuring him that she didn't mind him looking. Unbelieveable - yes. But that's what I gathered from the scene (she was smiling all through it)


I'd have to agree with you on that. The smile, the politeness... I think she would be more direct and not so playfull, talking with that sexy appealing voice if she actually wanted to give him the message that it was wrong. A great, great movie alltogether.


I never understood that scene, until reading this subject right now. All I knew was that the scene and Elizabeth Berkley were both very sexy!


Ding-ding! This is the correct answer, by Gnome149.

See a list of my favourite films here:


Girls do that a lot, they realize you like them and are shoving it in your face. She took notice of when Nick did it and just wanted to play with him and show she caught on his little scheme but instead of being offended, she invites him to do it again. She's toying with him, that's all, or at least that's what I understood from the scene.

I don't think she was 'teaching' him anything, cause at that point she only saw him as a young guy in a bar, trying to pick girls up. Only after they discovered he was a virgin and all, in the park, were they actually trying to teach him stuff, in the bar it was the girls just being playful.


Well i really think that it was a test from her point of view. To see how big of a wussyfactor Nick had. And lucky for him his uncle came at the right moment, so that he didnt have to make that choice.


I felt like part of her was motivated by the power it would indicate she held over him. She knew he had done it previously and now if he wants to do it again it's because she has given him the permission. In other words she's letting him know that she's the one in control.


That's the point exactly!
Here are a bunch of guys debating about what this was all about. So it sure as hell wasn't to teach Nick a lesson - after all most people here didn't get it either though probably a lot older than 16...

It was just she usual *beep* test to see how much of a wusy Nick realy is.
And this is where the movie is off by miles. In the real world Andrea and Sophie never would have come back from the ladies' room.


I think she wanted him to see that she doesnt have any underwear. Moment before you can see their attraction to those guys as they started moving closer and checked their lipstick.


Both Andrea and Sophie enjoyed being flirty with Nick. They knew it wasn't going anywhere so it was a safe way to be sexy. He was no big threat.

I took Andrea's straw drop as her way of saying, "Oh, so you want to look, huh? Well, get the straw again and I'll really show you something to look at." In a fun way, not being angry at him.

The side benefit of the straw drop is that Nick learned that all women aren't as oblivious as Roger made them out to be. Sometimes they do know you are scoping them out.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Good explanation. I agree, but couldn't have said it as well as you have.


It's interesting how the flirting done by older women to a sixteen year old boy is considered innocent, but if you reverse the roles and two older men flirt with a sixteen year old girl it would be really creepy.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"


Probably because there is less risk that older women are going to hold a sixteen year old boy, down, against his will, and impregnate him. The situations aren't totally reversible.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


So, just because women are less likely to use force it's ok? That doesn't make any sense.

For what it's worth. Perverts who like underage children use more often manipulation than violence to get what they want.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"


First, Andrea probably wasn't after having sex with Nick - she was just flirting.

Second, yes, it is different.

When I was Nick's age, I would've loved having a 30-40 year old woman flirt with me, and yes, I would've slept with her. There would've been no manipulation whatsoever.

But I'm not going to start up with a 17 year old girl now. Sorry, but it is creepy. That's life.


Second, yes, it is different.

When I was Nick's age, I would've loved having a 30-40 year old woman flirt with me, and yes, I would've slept with her. There would've been no manipulation whatsoever.

But I'm not going to start up with a 17 year old girl now. Sorry, but it is creepy. That's life.

It's really sexist for you to suggest that women are somehow mentally weaker and can't handle sex with older men, but men can have sex with older women and it's OK.

It seems that it's a real taboo to speak about violence committed by women.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"


I don't know what world you live in - but most 17 year old boys are more than willing to bang anything. If it takes an older woman to make it happen, most kids, including me at that age, are game.

Go talk your mental weakness and violence crap with your buddies down at the coffee house.

