cky trilogy round 1

is the cky 1 on the cky trilogy round 1 dvd shortend at all or have anything mising if so could u tell me wat it is


I dont believe it is shortened or missing anything, I sold my copy of Round 1 a while ago so I don't really remember. I do know that Round 2 is a mixture of scenes from cky2k and cky 3.


To answer your question... they are a little different. If you are a really big fan i suggest getting the original VHS off of Amazon for $5.99 or so. As for it missing stuff there is... A skit involving Bam in a fat Suit. He rolls out into the street in front of 2 people saying "Here I am, Rock you like a hurricane! Then, a small skit involving Dunn and Brandon Dicamillo fighting. Next are the Fire in the Hole skit and the guy picking his nose on the airplane. The faces in these aren't blurred out at all. Umm, I remember a skit with a fat girl on a carnival ride and they we're zoomed in on her face.It was the start of the montage with "Sarah's Mask" in it. As for the credits, Tod swanks, along with Landspeeds name and website links are taken out. These are the only differences I can find. I think most things we're changed due to legal rights. Hope this helps you out. :]
