
This movie has "cheesy thriller" written all over it. Tim Blake Nelson was good, but then again, he's always good. It was just too transparent for me.
I give it a D.

"If you don't get a pizza here in 10 minutes, I'll let the monkeys loose."


did u see the right movie?? how is this a thriller?? it rocks!!


It's somewhat of a thriller.. just cuz of the whole "stalker" aspect of the film... I LOVED IT by the way.


Spoiler Alert: Do not read and further if you wish to see this movie!

This movie was good until end. Im not talking about when Zoe gets confidence and puts Liz Phair in her place ( that was cool!) I'm talking about how she broke her leg, slipped off the moniter, and limped away before the police came. Then she got to a hosptial to get cast, without the staff finding out she was an escapee, and get to a train to go to Mexico. That was insane, what a looney ending. It was so good up to that point. Couldn't they have fast forwarded to her winning her freedom legally and then have her go on a trip to Mexico. So good but that ending was so nutty. Also, how is she going to live in Mexico, she had no money? It is like a Charlie Kaufmann movie, good but stupid in the last act.

