Finally! Coming to the US

July 2, 2004. I don't know if it's limited or not. Oh, and it's titled "Undertaking Betty."

-And remember, this gun is pointed right at your heart.
-That is my least vulnerable spot.


It will be in limited release, according to Miramax's site.

'Undertaking Betty' is the better title of the two, also. I always thought 'Plots with a view' was a somewhat strange title.

Anyway, I am not sure whether to recommend it... at least not for a trip to the cinema; I rated it two out of four stars. Read my full review here:


My thoughts on movies, books, travelling and more!


Not sure, what you find strange about the British title of the film. Maybe you don't understand
the title. A plot can mean several things. One such meaning is a piece of land, used for building
on for example, or in this case used as a section of burial ground. As most people when buying
a plot for building on, wants one with a view, so the same could be said for someone who
wants a plot for burial. In this case, the burial plot did have a view. It is also a play on the title
of a well known 1985 film, which is also a common request for someone wishing to stay in a
hotel, guest house etc, that they want 'A Room With A View'. The name of one of the
undertakers was Boris Plotz of Plotz Funeral Homes, hence the alternative British title 'Plotz
With A View'.

Also I read your review of the film, which was somewhat strange, as you comment that 'with
no one of the main characters having even a Welsh accent'. Not sure, how familiar you are
with the Welsh accent, but if Welsh actor, Robert Pugh, is not talking with a Welsh accent,
what accent do you think he is talking with??? Scottish?, Irish? Or maybe you just don't know what
a Welsh accent sounds like!



FYI, the entrance sign to the cemetery has "Plots with a view" written on it:.

I thought the title much more appropriate than the French one: "Amour, six pieds sous terre" - rather gruesome that is. "Undertaking Betty"? - I don't really see the point.

Also, as brisomboy says - they truly are Welsh accents, not Scots nor Irish at all for that matter!


I forgot about the entrance sign.

I don't like the 'Undertaking Betty' title either. Much prefer 'Plots With A View'.

People outside the British Isles, often can't tell one British (or Irish) accent from another!


See, I thought I was going crazy for a second while looking at Christopher Walken's credits. I only know it as 'Undertaking Betty' from the trailer i saw with 'Supersize Me' and 'Coffee and Cigarettes'. Glad to see the release date is finally (nearly) here.


Still want to know about the film?


interesting fact. The boy who plays Willie (padrig jones), is my younger brother. Thought i'd share that with you


And what is his name


Over a year later and it's still not here. What's going on?!


Its a crazy world. You can get the film on DVD, mine is a German copy. I don't know why its still yet to b releaased in America


COME ON!!!!! WHERE IS THIS MOVIE!?!?!? Still has a website up saying COMING SOON! Really getting sick of Miramax, if they own the American rights to this and are holding it for a rainy day I hope they go out of business and some other company brings this out. Walken is a living god and everything he touches turns to gold. I'm DYING TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!!!!! :-) Awwwww I feel much better now.... THANKS! :-P


I would get it on DVD myself. I have no idea when it might finally be released
