Suitable for ALL kids?

Speaking of the whole show in general, is Veggie Tales suitable for ALL kids, in your opinion?

I'm wondering, because I'm a watcher of Veggie Tales, and I though I really like it, the Christian-ness irks me a bit.
This question comes up because I have a little brother (well, half-brother but I was never one for all this genetic stuff), and I was pondering whether or not I should let him watch Veggie Tales.
Now, I'm sure everyone jumps to, "Yes, of course, why not?".
But here's the thing; he's Hindu.
*omigosh everybody gasp*
Now, here's a bit of background information so no one's confused:
My mother is a white, Christian lady. My father is an Indian and Hindu. They got married, and had me. (Yes, I'm a hybrid. *everybody dies*) Then, they got divorced, and my father got re-married to an Indian, Hindu lady. And they had
my half-brother. So, yes, Mum's family=Christian, Dad's family=Hindu.
Me=Nothing, zip, nada.

Okay, now, I hope that clears up any questions I was going to get...

Now, where was I? Oh yes, my little brother's Hindu, I think giving him Veggie Tales to watch would be a bit... I don't know... Mean.
And I heard that in one episode they mocked the Pagans. In my humble opinion; that's mean.

Anyways, just asking opinions here, what do you think a good big sister would do?


I'd say explain it to him, make him aware that there are different viewpoints, and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions about life, death, religeon and beliefs in general. Then let him decide if he wants to watch it. Hell, even if that doesn't help him, the advice is still pretty sound.
Hope that helps.


Well, your little brother will eventually discover that different people have different beliefs. It's inevitable. You could ask his parents what they think, too, it might be helpful. It might even be a great opportunity to teach him about different religions. :)


There was no mocking of Pagans, though they had a spoof of Lord of the Rings: "Lord of the Beans".



Perhaps I'm biased, being a Christian myself, but I don't think the lessons in Veggie Tales are exclusive to one faith. They teach love, forgiveness, and friendship; these are themes that transcend all cultures and religions.

There are also a number of videos that don't come from the bible; you could try Sheerluck Holmes, Minnesota Cuke, or one of the Larryboy stories instead. They sometimes reference 'God', but that could again apply to any faith.

In the end, learning about the positive aspects of different religions is always a good thing. I love Veggie Tales, and I think they're great family entertainment.

"I LOVE chocolate...but I can't eat it, 'cause then I'll get FAT...but it's SOOOOOO good!"


Who cares about all that? This movie is for everyone.


Yes, you should let him watch it. Just don't let him see the Pagan mockery part.

"Man who catch fly with chopsticks accomplish anything," RIP, Pat Morita.


Well I don't recall them mocking pagans but it's been awhile... anyway the lessons are actually quite good for any religion BUT they push the overall agenda a little. *shug* Maybe Maisy Mouse or some other children's show teaching ideals instead of math and grammar(cause math and grammar is taken care of in other shows and schools) would be better suited. Although I personally am in love with VeggieTales even at 14(not that old but obviously not the target audience) I actually have a pile of some of the early VHS tapes next to me right now.

And what I mean by good values is just to be kind and loving to people. Even if they AREN'T of the same religion or background. :)
