Common in these movies

Anyone else notice how in these movies, the imprisoned mother is always ragging on the person that had to give up their own life to take care of her (usually ungrateful) kids while she is in prison?

If it were me being treated that way, I'd say "So, what I am doing is not good enough." and the kids would be in foster care. Then see how much better they all like it.


Two other scenarios:

1) The boyfriend/cops don't believe the damsel in distress despite the perp doing everything but sending up flares.

2) "5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1" is the standing joke in our house on this one. It seems that in every other movie the woman meets a new guy or vice versa and within five minutes they are unbuttoning/ripping each others clothes off and grunting like rhinos in heat. As soon as they are alone I start counting down out loud - and the wife elbows me for it. I tell her that is the standard titillation for the housewife voyeurs who apparently watch Lifetime just for these moments.
