Question about Roy Arnie


In the end of the movie we see Roy still searching for Jimmy. Does anyone think that a small part of him was hoping Jimmy was alive because he actually cared about him rather than just the hidden drugs?

Maybe he always had is cold detached feel againsts Jimmy but secretly he had a soft spot for him?


I have a feeling that Roy Arnie only cared about himself. Maybe a tiny part of him is able to care about someone else, but I kind of doubt it. He just seemed to have a cold attitude towards everybody.

My mom says you have the best posture of anyone she knows!


In the end, he appears to just want a circus. And the others are angry at him for what he did to Jimmy. "I'll get my circus", he says in the end. Not "I will get my drugs back" or "I will get my money". No, he just wants a circus. And, presumably, he wants Jimmy to be the star.
