A Great Flick

I don't understand what is wrong with all of you. I thought Derailed was a wonderful flick, with a very interesting plotpoint. A low budget film *beep* Budget means nothing. The Terminator was shot on such a low budget that many shots had to be filmed illegally. Look at the long run success of James Cameron today.
What is this garbage that I keep hearing of Jean Claude Van Damme and his acting skills? Personally I cannot see it the amature label that has been slapped upon him. I enjoy his newer films much more than his older ones. He is not as concerned with hollywood as he is with performance on screen. A true sign of a mature actor.


the budget of this movie was 25$$, so not a low budget movie in 2002.
Also it was shot in 35mm, cinemascope, it looked much more like a cinema
movie then e.g. 'in hell' or 'the order'!
For me the first 60 min were quite good pop corn cinema, only the last
quarter didn´t make it for me so much as the special FX were not so good.
But after all I like the movie, really. For me it was the last movie he did
that had a cinema feeling like we had with Sudden Death.


I am watching this movie now on USA, and it really sucks koala balls.


this has gotta be his worst movie! and who cares about the budget, but they surely didn't put enough money in this movie to make the effects good, I can't believe the sequence with Damme on the top of the train fighting...that's so amateur-done...The plot is soo cliché, acting is bad...and it doesn't seem as if they made this movie so seriously, it's a crappy, crappy flick...besides these movies haven't been popular in ten years...


I totally agree with you, man. I liked all of his movies since the 1990's. He is my favorite actor, and I see his movies all of the time.
