This movie is horrible

I have seen a lot of movies in my time, but this is actually the worst. I mean, I don't really want to berate it, but I almost have to. I can only imagine that people who loved this movie are the same people who feel that they are "mature" to the "artistic value" of film. Plain and simply, the movie just drags on and on. At the sake of a pun, this movie was like Purgatory. I watched it with two friends, coming to the same conclusion. I like artsy films as much as the next guy, but this was not one of those films. I was hoping that the 14 year old writer would be a prodigy of some sort - not a normal 14 year old. Honestly, what did this movie accomplish? Aside from the religious (afterworldly) inaccuracies, there is nothing thought provoking, intelligent, or even good about it. I feel like everyone is praising it for the sole purpose that a 14 year old did it. Regardless of who did it, the movie was bad. It is like letting the 8 year old have an at bat in an adult game. You make "errors" so that he will score of his bad hit. The good ratings for this movie are nothing but sympathy ratings, as well as ratings by pseudo artistic and pretentious people. I truly, truly feel ripped off by this movie, and I am not saying that to be malicious, I am saying that because I really do feel ripped off.


Yeah.. this was absolutely terrible. I feel sick that people are comparing it to masterpieces such as "American Beauty". Every line was more and more cliche than the next.



People actually compared it to American Beauty.

Wow. That's pretty hilarious, actually. This movie doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same SENTENCE as American Beauty. Sounds like these people don't know a good movie when they see it.

"Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity." - The X-Files.




im so glad im not alone, i honestly thought it would be good, maybe it would actually capture reality considering thought it is written by someone who actually lived in a similar setting. but was i wrong! geez they show anyone taking drugs,the plot of,the names SILVER STRAND who is named that. and the way they tried to be artistic with the style of film just agravated me more, the plot was predictable, the girl was annoying, and the acting was plan bad i think i saw better things made at my school. I feel somewhat bad for saying it but it is like you said the worst movies i ever saw

behold the worlds worst accident i am the girl anachronism


I thought the story was ok..and had potential...but i just didn't like the way it was filmed at all....if the writer would have kept it a while longer and maybe tweaked a few things or wait for enough money to make it well then it would have been MUCH better.

"say something VULGAR!"


It would have been so much better if it wasn't written by a 14 year old girl.


I've not seen the movie - I was interested and, surprisignly!, after reading all these posts I've lost interest - but if it was anywhere near as terrible as everyone is claiming, I don't think it is because it was written by a fourteen year old. I wrote many plays and one-acts as an elementary student (which, because of a lack of experience, are just forgotten writings) but I have also met many thirteen and fourteen year olds whose writing, I find, is sometimes superior to those of "modern classics" an so-called "great writers." Many of my classmates have also published writings as teens.

Perhaps she lacked in writing (and acting, as many of you claim) experience but her age is no reason for the failure of her film.



It makes me sad that you take these posts so seriously (or this thread in particular, as there are other posts on this board that love the film). You have to understand that this movie (which, by the way appeared on 7 critics lists for "best film of the year", won 12 film festival awards, and has over 20 glowing reviews from "actual" critics) is an art film. Check out reviews and quotes here: It so disheartening to read that you call it a 'failure" based on a thread in a message board, without having seen it... Ah, the internet.

Now that the movie is out in the mainstream, certain viewers are expecting it to be a typical Hollywood film, which this is not. This is an "experimental film" with a very slow (painfully -but intentionally slow at times) pace, which symbolizes the prison the young writer feels she's in. It was shot on standard def miniDV (back in 2001), instead of film, so that as you watch it, you are constantly reminded that these are the words of a 14-year-old girl. The movie is about being imperfect, and is intentionally imperfect.

Not everyone's going to "get" it, and that's okay. It's just funny that with the internet, everyone's a critic. We get emails weekly from people who say this movie had a profound effect on them. Will you be one of them? Don't know.... You'll probably love it, or hate it... It really depends on you. We've found that most people who have an appreciation of art films (symbolism, depth and subtext) or have studied film (are educated), love this movie.

If you decide to see it, thanks! And we really hope you like it!

PS--If you look on just about ANY movie page here on the IMDB, you will find a threat with exactly this same title! We consider this a "badge of honor!" Thanks for writing.


Dear FreeDreamPictures, you guys have no idea what you're talking about. It doesn't matter if this film was "experimental", it still sucked. It doesn't matter what kind of camera you had to use to film it or that you had a low budget. It failed because the story, which could have worked out, was fueled by bad writing and stereotypes. These stereotypes weren't even portrayed correctly!

This is not an art film at all. An art film is supposed to make you feel and make you think. This film only made me feel nauseated at how bad it is, and made me think why they would take such a serious topic, and turn it into a joke? There are kids who struggle with depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder and have so much more pain added on top of that. This movie in no way captured any sadness in Silver's soul. Her only problems were that she got into a fight with her friend and that she does drugs. Great reason to kill yourself, eh?

The only people who praise this film or say it "moved" them, have never dealt with anything of such a topic before. Maybe many people think the film captures the depth of this subject because it doesn't actually deal with any real problems. All it does is take a serious subject, neglect to portray it accurately, and then expect to be taken seriously. The only festivals in which it won awards were very small, and probably only had other meager films such as Purgatory House entered into their contests. I cannot even find the 7 critics who put this on their "best of the year" list, most likely because they've only written reviews for a few movies, and are not very well-known because they don't have what it takes to actually critique.

Please don't play the "it's just an independent movie, it's not supposed to be amazing" card because I've seen other small indie films with similar subject matter gather praise because they actually have good writing and good acting and don't make a joke out of the subject they're trying to show. The movie "Manic", for example.

Symbolism? Yes, this film had it. All films do. Depth? No, this film didn't even touch upon the surface. Subtext? I think not. There was no underlying meaning. So maybe those people who you say love art films or are cinema educated should not only know about good filmmaking but should also do some research on teen suicide and depression, because if they thought this movie knew what it was talking about they need to be reeducated.

Good day to you.


Stop trolling this board. I LOVE this movie, and I HATED "Manic". THAT was totally fake and unreal. Just because you don't like it does not mean it sucked. And you know, since I see your comments all over this message board, it's pretty obvious it DID make you think and feel, or you wouldn't care so much.

I showed this film to my best friend and her mom, who are survivors. They think it should be shown in every high school across america. It moved them to tears, as I knew it would. Who are you to be the authority on pain.

This girl knows the pain I have felt and this movie changed my life. So grow up, and stop acting like your opinion is the only one that is valid.


I don't act like my opinion is the only one that's valid. I simply speak my opinion to the highest degree. Also, the reason I'm all over this board is because I was touched by the film; I was touched by how horrible one movie could possibly be especially when it was trying to be good. Also, people reply to my comments so I come back, duh. And Manic was the perfect example of what really goes on in most teenage psychiatric hospitals. It was modeled after real-life occurrences and researched unlike another movie I can think of.


David, I'm truly sorry for your tough times. And I'm sorry you didn't relate to the film. But just because you didn't identify with this movie doesn't mean that everyone else didn't identify with it. Many relate to it BIG TIME, since their experiences with depression, drug abuse, mental illness and suicide are different than yours. Besides winning over a dozen awards, appearing on "best film of the year" lists and receiving distribution by one of the largest DVD distributors in North America, we've gotten letters from teens all over the United States & Canada telling us how this movie made a huge positive impact on them. You hated the movie. Point taken. You are loud and clear. We get it! But attacking this movie on all of the threads here doesn't do anything but make you look obsessed with this movie...


I thought it was okay....I was not pleased with the ending what so ever, especially how they got out of Purgatory, it was just was not something that I liked. I also hated Silver's voice, she sounded like a 5 year old which made me less happy with her character. Which also brings me to my first reason: she was selfish, let's face it(and I'm not talking about her killing herself either ).
I could go on all day, it wasn't the best movie I've seen but it certainly isn't the worst.


Ladies & Gentlemen;

I thought it was GREAT!!

I saw it in the Theater & then bought
the DVD.

It took a few time to understand it,
perhaps because It's designed for
Fourteen year olds and I'm over 50.

Happy trails to all...


Or maybe you liked it because you're over 50 and have no idea as to how teen depression, suicide, anxiety, drug use, and sexuality should actually be depicted. You probably know about as much as the people who made and praise this film.


Dear David;

Well it was written in 2000 & filmed in
2001 so; How 'out of date' could it be??

When I saw it (New York Theater) in 2002
the place was full of 'teenagers' and
their applause was deafening for several
minutes at the end.

The same thing occured in Hollywood the
following year too.

We all know culturs (of all ages) vary
throughout the country but; the factors
mentioned "depression", "suicide, "drugs"
have been around High Schools for decades.

The 14 year old that wrote it showed HER
version/thoughs is all. NOT the ONLY
possible ones, everywhere Sir.

It wasn't a 'documentry' film. It was a
'teenage fantasy story' that held the
message; "we all did some stupid things".
Don't do what we did and be "stupid too".

Sorry you missed it/that.

Happy trails to all...


I didn't miss anything. The reasons for what she did were part of what made it so bad. She wanted unconditional love that her boyfriend wouldn't give her? People have been through so much, and what this movie is trying to do is make us feel sorry for this little brat who killed herself because her boyfriend didn't listen to her? She's fourteen! All the other fourteen year-olds who killed themselves had mental problems, were molested, living on the streets selling their bodies and drugs because they have no other way to live. This film just doesn't get it.


Dear Dave;

The film is set for the 'middle class' family,
where most of these (hidden) problems exist,
but not all. Hence the line; "Can you see me"??

Yes there are situations that are far worse
than the ones she wrote about. However she
must have felt the most frequent, were the
one's to address etc.

Hey; the film ends in a 'positive note' too.
Saying; "all we want is a second chance",
which they both get and leads the audience
to believe that "second chances" really are
worth while too.

It worked for you, now didn't it??

Please watch it again. Perhaps it will
look different, 'the second time around'.

Happy trails to all...


The fact that the movie was "trying" to be positive makes it no better. Even kids who suffer in middle class families deal with far worse problems. I understand this movie tried to do something, but it failed. That's what makes it bad. I'm not going to praise the movie because it "tried". Sorry to say.


Dear Dave;

It wasn't "trying", it did Sir.

The Producers only had time to go to
about half of the Film Festivals they
were invited to.

This proves that the 'festival circuit'
held the film as a grand accomplishment.
While there; it won around 20 awards and
a couple of nominations too.

We can assume that would have doubled,
had it been shown competly.

Hello: "horrible" films don't win that
much attention EVER.

It's NOT "bad"; you just don't understand
it, or the message and that's the "sorry"

Happy trails to all...


And of all the festivals it entered, none are held in high grandeur. The only other films at those festivals were most likely worse than this one (God, could that even be possible!?) and that's why it won the awards.


Dear Dave;

Were NOT talking about the "grandeur"
of the "festivals". Were talking about
the a film that everyone loved, making
it grand.

This IS why/how the awards were given.

Happy trails to all...


Yeah, everyone who loved it were just a bunch of people who know nothing about cinema, or the subjects presented in the feature.


David, what makes YOU the authority on what is "real". I TOTALLY relatated to this movie, and so did my friends. In fact, this is my favorite movie, so stop bagging on it. Just because YOU didn't "get it" doesn't mean it's crap. Maybe you are just stupid.


Your favorite? Wow. That says a lot.


You know what? Those who do not like this film obviously have never been through depression and never have been sent to a mental clinic twice and then be told they can't go to a regular school because they have emotional issues. I found this movie very inspirational and I think all teens need to see it and those who think otherwise need to get their head examined.


Dear Ally & Buffy;

Good points ladies.

This great film was made by a teen
for other teens. Most of those that
made it donated their time/money too.

Most teen deaths are pointless & the
message it sends W/O preaching.

Glad you both liked it.

Happy trails to all...


Actually I was kicked out of school because of my depression and anxiety disorder. But I fought, and I continue fighting and now I'm going to college this autumn. This movie is a piece of *beep* it's a mockery of those who do suffer from depression and related issues.


For a film written by a 14 year old, it's not bad. I can see it being an accurate portrayal of a depressed pre-teen's view of the world. Also, her thoughts on depression recovery I think mirror those of someone who spontaneously comes out of depression, and attributes recovery to some world-view or another.


As for religious inaccuracies, everyone makes up their own religion to some degree in terms of the nature of their god(s) or whatever. Some people think their god interacts with the world one way, some another, and almost everyone has a different idea about the specifics of the afterlife. The christian revelations story is t`aken so many different ways. Some people think that they go to heaven or hell (or purgatory) after they die, some people think that they just lie in the earth until end times and then are judged to go to heaven or hell, some people think heaven is whatever they most desire, some people think it is an unending church service, and so on.
