Why were they filming the first hiest?

Pourquoi filmaient-ils le premier hiest? Qu'ont-ils utiliser les images pour les?


I'm not sure, but it seemed to me that the men they were robbing were rich, "respectable" figures of society (think CEO's, judges, politicians etc.) who were engaged in some shady or taboo "leisure" activity at that moment. I can't really tell if it was high stakes illegal gambling, a drugs party, a just beginning sex party, or something different altogether. But whatever the case, there was quite a bit of cash money lying around the place. So probably the robbers videotaped the whole scene and every person there to make sure that these rich important men wouldn't later come after them. Because if the videotape became public, these rich men (who were probably married with children, and were regarded respectable pillars of the community) would have much more to lose than the robbers.

Just my two cents'.

Signature: currently unavailable
