It's not bad but...

I've just seen too many movies with a very similar premise. Fallen, Jason Goes to Hell, The Hidden, Another Heaven, Long Time Dead, The Thing, and Starship Troopers 2 all involved people getting possessed in one fashion or another. Ghost Rig is pretty well-made, with decent acting and good atmosphere. But the plot never really intrigues because of the familiarity of the storytelling, which is usually the major problem with unoriginality. The characters are also poorly established; it wasn't until the movie was half over I could remember any of their names. The final twist also relies on some major suspension of disbelief.


whatever mate! It was crap and you bloody well know it!


But that twist at the end was amazing! who was expecting that? I liked that a lot.

Sunday morning is everyday for all I care


I liked the very end. Don't know that it was worth sitting through the rest of it to get there though.
