just rented this movie

The problem with this movie is the plot. I wish CGI animators would stop doing fantasy oriented plots. This movie is so fantasy oriented, it's annoying. They should have concentrated on character development. The one bright spot is the dvd extra where "kaena" is interviewed. It is awesome! If you get a chance, check it out. More character development is on display in the "interview" than in the whole movie. Why does the "interview" work? Because there is no confusing "fantasy plot" to get in the way. I did not know that Kirsten Dunst new french because the animated interview is in french.


This movie is from France. The original French version features voice talent from France. In other words, that's not Kirsten Dunst speaking French in the interview, but a French actress.


True the movie was originaly shot in French with (of course) french vocal actors but the personal interview was not dubbed over for some reason I do not know why. The movie was excellent with a somewhat too fast pace to it but the story is still very rich.


Dont you guys think the interview wa awesome though - it was the best part of the dvd for me. Kaena's interview is hilarious.


I just saw the movie last night, and thought the interview was awesome! Their mastery of human facial expression and body language is amazing.
