Argo abroad!

I'v seen this movie. I'm sad, cuz nobody has written a teeny-tiny word to the board. I start it! It is a great movie. You should watch it. Great fun! I promise! And the directing is pretty-good too. I can just recommend this film. Bye...

The pizza_guy!


What a good idea!

You know, I'm from Hungary. The country, where the movie was made. I really enjoyed the movie. I'm happy that you too.
But I'm curious about the way you saw Argo. Was it dubbed? I don't really think so. It came out in cinemas on the 16th of September, in Hungary. So at first I don't believe that in America, or wherever you're from it has been being played in cinemas (mainly dubbed). Or maybe you're Hungarian? Nos ha az vagy az nagyon jó, mert még egy magyarral se találkoztam az IMDb-n.
But if not, I'm still wondering that whether you saw Argo subtitled? From the net? Or you can speak Hungarian?
So I would be glad if you replied me, és ha magyar vagy akkor meg is adhatnád az e-mail címed. And finally how do you mean that I allow that? I think it's a wrong expression.

So long, regards,



What a surprise! I just woke up, and said, let's look at my topics! And somebody has written to Argo! Cool!

Ok! It's a rightful question. It is impossible to watch Argo dubbed english (or any other languages) outside of Hungary. It follows that I couldn't see the movie outside Hungary. But I've never been to Hungary! Am I superman?
No... I just know a guy who's Hungarian, and who's influential in the movie-world in Hungary. He could watch Argo before it was in cinemas. He really enjoyed it, and was given a DVD (which had Argo on it) by his friend from the shooting (maybe Attila Arpa) and brought it home (Canada). He took it up on his computer, and because of the fact, I wanted to see the movie (cuz he recommended it), he made me another DVD which included an english subtitle, made by him (Zsolti or Zsolt?). By the way Zsolti uses to travel to Hungary, when Mediawave is being there. If you used to visit Mediawave, you could meet him. But it's a littlebit difficult.
And, about my expression, allow. You know I'm from Canada (however I'm in USA now) and there we allow to use allow, similar to acknowledge or accept, aggre, admit etc. I love this expression, and I hope it doesn't annoy you.
Now it's time to go and visit my girlfriend.

I'm happy that you wondered my knowledge, if you have any other questions about ME (:-)), I'm opened!

Bye, bye,

The pizza_guy!


did you know that there was some media scandal about digital copies of the film available on the internet (before opening)? eh. they claimed they did not know how it could get out, but if the cast could made a digital copy of the film, they simply lied..

for the scores, i believe someone is playing with the votes. this is a BAD, BAD, BAD film. okay, some ppl may like it, tastes differ, that's okay, but hey, 35% of the voters give 10? impossible.

we know what the "director" is like and how he manipulates with the media.. too bad his is the way one can make a movie, while talented guys rest.


Pedig sok magyar van az IMDB-en is. :)



Tessek meg egy rovast bevesni a magyar IMDBsek listajara ;)

az hogy egyesek itt a forumon lejaratjak sajat nemzetuket pedig sajnalatos :/


Im sorry to say but that film is crap. Its pretty boring and lame imo. I cant understand the hype about it, the story isnt even worth mentioning. A strong opening and some good jokes in the first half hour, thats all.
Árpa is no more than an untallented Guy Ritchy wannabe.


Mi ez a sok törölt hozzászólás??? Amúgy inkább nézem az Argo-t mint pl. a Barátok közt-öt v. a Herendi Gábor féle sz@rságokat (Valami Amerika, Magyar vándor)...

"A voice from behind me reminds me. Spread out your wings you are an angel."


Bezony, megtanulhatnátok, hogy MINDENHOL lehet magyart találni :D

Well, I saw the film, and I enjoyed it really! It's funny. My friends always mentions the jokes from it.


I think Argo was cool.
I really liked the scenes with Feró Nagy and Imre Csuja. This 2 guys were the best in the movie!
And for those none-Hungarians who've seen Argo: Feró Nagy is a well-known and loved Hungarian rock artist who also dubbed the movie Adventures of Ford Fairlane. That movie is full of dirty words and legendary lines by Feró, who repeats one of his lines in Ford Fairlane. I don't know how it translated in the English subtitle but the line means "I can't believe it" (Cleeean version! :-))
Imre Csuja who plays Traktor in this movie has also a famous "dubbing past" in Hungary - mostly because he was the dubbing voice of Al Bundy. And I think he is a great comedian.
Dear pizza_guy if you liked Argo, you should watch the movie "Üvegtigris" (and its sequel, which is coming out in January). Üvegtigris (means Glass Tiger) is not an Action/Comedy it's comedy about 6 losers from the countryside. Great lines and jokes!


"I really liked the scenes with Feró Nagy and Imre Csuja"
these scenes were funny coz both of them are funny actors, but a few good scenes doesn't make the whole movie good.






"And the directing is pretty-good too"


I think you just wrote that coz you liked the flick. I have to admit, you dont know what good directing actually means. Write its a good movie, an all time classic or whatever you want, just dont say the directing was good. Take a closer look..


Szerintem a legtöbb modern magyar film Kontroll ellen labdába se rúghat...


Azt mondd meg te agyoniskolázott seggarcú nyomorék! Mi olyan kurvajó abban a Kontrollban? Én lehánytam a Tv-t mikor néztem. Azt már a faszom tudja, hogy mit keresett a trailer-je a Téged leszámítva létezik olyan ember a földön akinek még teccik ez a film? Kötve hiszem. Max olyat találni, aki nézhetőnek tartja. Úgyhogy húzd meg magad. Egyébkéntis mi vagy te? Valami művészfilm-buzi?


Es mi vagy te? Valaki bunko kis kocsog aki meg mindig anyuci lakasabol ir mert soha nem volt annyi esze hogy, rendes munkat talaljon? Szerintem nagyon jo film volt a Kontroll es tobszor is lattam. Eloszor nem volt olyan konnyu meg erteni de azert zsenialis mert rengeteg szogbol mg lehet nezni es tele szimbolumokkal. Van suja filmnek. Az argo is jo kis film volt. Egy vasarnap delutant el rohog rajta az ember. Van a Kontrollnal is jobb film de azt barmikor meg tudom nezni es nem csak egy limonade film amit csak ugy fel lehet venni vagy meg erteni. Sajnalom hogy, ha ez a te ertelmi szintednek egy picit magas de nem is tudom hogyan kerult ez a film egy ovis kezebe.

There is no teacher but the Enemy.- Ender


Kit neveztél te bunkó kis köcsögnek, te szarszagú csupor kis geci. Az én farkamon hét muff csiszál naponta, érted gennyedék? A te segged helyére meg lassan pina nö! Az ilyen lúzer fasszopó kurváknak mint te tecchet csak ez a szar film. Nekem kiírták DVD-re, hogy nézzem meg, de végig se tudtam nézni a filmet (de azért úgy egy órát láttam). Kikaptam a DVD lejátszóból és elégettem a lemezt. Te meg otthon erre szoktad verni... Milyen ízlése lehet egy ekkora METROszexuálisnak mint te? Az a szerencséd, hogy nem tudom hol laksz, mert különben odamennék, letépném a fejedet és belerókáznék a tüdödbe. Na csá.


kosz, ilyen jot reg rohogtem.....mert hiszen olyan nagy dolog menonek lenni egy internetes forumon...van jobb dolgom is mint hogy, egy ilyen kis szarhazi "gangster reject-el" basszam el az idomet.

There is no teacher but the Enemy.- Ender



