MovieChat Forums > Riri Shushu no subete (2001) Discussion > Let's get this thing on blu ray.

Let's get this thing on blu ray.

That is what this film needs, a beautiful blu ray version. Anyone know how we can pressure companies to get this done (or even what company holds the rights to this film).



You can email criterion and suggest they get a blu ray. If a thousand people do this, I think it might have a shot...

[email protected]


I doubt a blu-ray would come out. This film was shot in standard definition digital camera like the DVX100.

Any blu-ray would just be fake upscaling.


it's going to be on Blu-ray in Japan. Just no english ubs according to

which sucks. I would have ordered it otherwise despite the price. I love the movie

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


I would have gotten it too. I don't care if it is fake upscaled because even that would be 100x than the crappy version that is on dvd here in the USA.


They could do a remaster. But I would be happy with a blu ray even if it was an upscale.


Just rewatched this on Bluray. :D
