Best/Worst Episode Game

Add +1 point to your favorite episode, Subtract -1 point from your least favorite episode. The last one with points wins

Goldfish 10
War Next Door 10
Time Machine +11
Hippo 10
Bawkbagawk 10
Mobab 10
Expiration Day 10
Psychoklahoma 10
The Eye 10
Poppy 10
Bully 10
Mother, Did You Move My Chair 10
President Dad 10
Pepper 10
The New Brak 10
Feud 10
Runaway 10
Brakstreet 10
Dinner Party 10
We Ski in Peace 10
Braklet, Prince of Spaceland 10
Coma 10
Shadows of Heat 10
Enter the Hump 10
Splat 10
Sexy New Brak Show Go 10
All That I Desire You -9
Cardburkey 10


Goldfish 5
War Next Door 5
Time Machine 6
Hippo 5
Bawkbagawk 5
Mobab 5
Expiration Day 5
Psychoklahoma 5
The Eye 5
Poppy 5
Bully 5
Mother, Did You Move My Chair 5
President Dad 5
Pepper 5
The New Brak 5
Feud 5
Runaway 5
Brakstreet +6
Dinner Party 5
We Ski in Peace 5
Braklet, Prince of Spaceland 5
Coma 5
Shadows of Heat 5
Enter the Hump 5
Splat 5
Sexy New Brak Show Go 5
All That I Desire You 4
Cardburkey -4

(Also, I've lowered the numbers a bit. Starting at 10 is too high for a cult show like this.)
