This happen to anyone else?

Starting off hating the show.
Ended up loving it.

"What's in the basket?"


Yep, and it's happened to me with other shows.

Don't get eliminated!


"a talking cup!?!?! wtf is this sh*t!!! who the hell watches this crap!!!"

"it's number 1 in the hood, G!!!!"


I didnt have it, just..couldnt stand it. now I love it!

Brak: Hey guys, lets throw up the booze we just drank...


First time I caught it, I watched maybe ten seconds of it and turned the channel.

The next time I caught it was the first Moonanite appearance. I watched just in time to see the Atari bullet hit Carl in the back. Once I heard the Pac-Man sound effects, I knew it was a cool show.

You were born a pig farmer.
You'll always BE a pig farmer.
And now, you will DIE a pig farmer.


I really tried not to like this one at first because I knew some rather disreputable people who took it for gospel. But I couldn't help it. I soon became a lifelong fan. The show is just brilliant. Broodwich, Handbanana, Redickulous and the Dickesode are among my favorites.


I would have to say that since it was first shown on 'Adult Swim' (the late night / through the night replacement for Cartoon Network here in the USA) I would try to avoid it like the plague.

Although only 15 minutes long it would get on my nerves, it would 'intersect' other 'decent' (as I then thought) shows & was getting in the way.

Then out of the blue sometime last November I watched two episodes back to back (as Adult swim often shows them) & I became hooked.

I think (from talking with others in dif' forums) that it takes a certain episode that isn't so far 'out there' or one that is so surreal that a person gains interest.

Now I DVR every episode each night (5 to 6 nights a week & anywhere from 5 to 12 episodes a week depending on Adult Swim's schedule which is pretty erratic with ATHF) & tend to watch them first thing in the morning as I drink a coffee or two in bed (usually after 2 or 3 episodes of Married with Children) as I sleep very little but prefer to watch them in the mornings rather than late night.

The 'rotation' of the shows might have one show on 4 times in one week, meanwhile they will mix shows from series one through series 7 in the one week, I have become such a fan that I now know the episodes names, I have only DVR'd the same shows perhaps 3 times since December & have managed to see at least 6 or 7 a week that I have not seen before.

I have 3 sons that sometimes watch it, they are quite young but I often see the show on their DVRs too.

The show can be viewed by many age groups, many types of people & from discussions on other forums everybody seems to get a dif' perspective out of individual shows, pick up on something dif' about a show.

I feel now that it is that 'multi level' aspect of the scripts, the 'sight gags' that keeps it fresh for old & new viewers alike.

Even my wife who hates cartoons with a passion will watch an episode or two & have a laugh or pass quite a deep comment (sometimes sarcastic but mostly quiet deep thoughts provoked from an episode).

I wish there were more on their origins, more from the title sequences.

So short answer after all that:

Yup, I started out being a hater & now love the show to bits.


Yeah, me too.

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.


I hated Tim and Eric Awesome Show and Tom Goes to The Mayor- and I hadn't even watched them. Two of the funniest shows.


Haha,yep. thought this show was retarded at first. I just couldn't understand it. now i think it's awesome.


I decided to check out this show since so many people thought it was great. I was going to avoid it at first, since everyone nagged about it being a more "sophisticated" show than Robot Chicken, and I got annoyed by it, since I love Robot Chicken.
But I was still a bit curious, so I checked out the episode "Revenge Of The Moonites" first.
Meh, decent, I thought.
However, I decided to watch a few more episodes to see if there was something I didn't "get".
I watched "Bad Replicant". Thought it was a bit funnier.
Watched "Interfection". After I had seen that episode, I was hooked on the show.
When I buy the volume 1-4 box set, I will rewatch these first two episodes and maybe appreciate them more! :D


yeah, hated the show at first. but now own almost all seasons :D


Great question! I'm very new to the show. I never watched alot of adult cartoons. But now I have some more time and I love Seth MacFarlane, and bob's bugers and archer, I took the time to stop when channel surfing.
1st I had no idea what I was was like an LSD trip, and a bad one,.lol...(never actually had one, but...) then, and I can't put my finger on when , but soon, I became endeared, yes endeared to the characters. So I was big time intrigued. I see I have it on Netflix, so I'm going to do some binge watching, The review on the IMDB page is pretty close to how I feel about it. Almost like two kids, one very naughty, like caught in the sociopathic phase of the toddler at times..and one just slow and lovable. Frylock is like the frustrated parent. I'm sure there can be other ligit takes, my 1st was really nothing, just enjoying how strange it all was, but clever and very funny. So glad I took the time to see what this strange show was all about.
I saw some postings here about new eps that people do not like., Have not seen them..I actually didn't follow what and why they were
not as good for the poster. But when a show that's been on a long time changes it doesn't
always work ???
