multiplayer questions

how many bots can there be, how many maps are there, and can you play as or something that looks like a stormtrooper? (note, this would be for anyone who has it on ps2/xbox/gamecube, not the pc....unless its all the same then i dont care.)

(t' ')t kirby hates u.


Not sure how many bots you can load but they're surprisingly tough to beat. Lots of maps and options to choose from - I think it's a great game to play campaign once or twice but good multiplayer replay value. Like Halo, I wish there was a way to pick specific missions (not chapters) to replay. Halo 2 came close but some of these mini chapters are still very - very long. The 2nd to last MC mission (for example) takes all-night on co-op - give us a break. Literally - have a mid-checkpoint for co-op play. Just my two cents ...
