did anyone notice

did anyone notice when Madison and Alex And Griffen go to the jail to tell them about the boat Griffen goes in in some color shirt then comes out in a green shirt????????


I noticed that!
I also noticed that when the girls want to go to the party near the beginning of the movie, Alex looks at her wrist to check the time but she has no watch there!!!

"He's no one. Distant cousin of my Aunt's nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice. Eunuch." - Captain Jack Sparrow (POTC)


yeah i noticed the watch thing and was like,"hmmm...that was odd." and my little brother said he noticed this other scene where mary-kate (or ashley) was sitting down in the chair (when they got in trouble and were being held in jail)and she looked diffrent-like when the camara stops while shes looking down and then starts again when shes looking up but since its in the movie you just see it happen really fast and it looks weird.


Her not having a watch is done on purpose. She doesn't actually care about the time, she's making an excuse to get out of the dinner.


Yeah! it was on purpose that she didnt have a watch on!


Yeah the watch bit was meant to bring a little humour into a very dull movie ..

Hands up who likes me! - Rick <3


There was something else I noticed when they were swiming and the dad said like five minutes then they came back with their hair all dryed and clean I was like how can you get ready all in five mintues.


they really didnt put a lot of effort in this movie. It seems to be that as long as they have a great location and have the olsens they can do whatever they want. Even if it doesnt make sence or make it realistic


Yeah, I notice Griffin's shirt changed. Also the bit when they were in the security's office, and her head was down, then up. There were quite a few goofs. Overall, not a good movie. And the busy camera angles made my head spin. And the on and off black and white to color scenes were annoying. Also, the scene where the girls and Griffin were chasing Champlane... dragged on forever. and cheesy dialogue throughout the film. could've been better.

Where I'm from, having a dream doesn't make you smart. Knowing it won't come true? That does.


And....When they go to get on their motorcycles..... the Olsen twins are both wearing shorts....one, denim, the other black shorts, but when the twin in black shorts is riding her motorcycle in the following scene, she's wearing denim shorts....faded blue and continues wearing them for the rest of the chase.


doesnt the father tell them their curfew was 11:30 and then when they came in at 12:15 the mother said they were 75 minutes late.. making their curfew 11 ... hmm

Check it out :


no he said their curfew was 11.
