This program

Am I right in thinking that Niamh Cusack who was Beatrix Potter was at the beginning of the program. I remember her writing a letter and then taking it to a post box. I think she was on her bike and she passed children on her way. Then I think she went back and picked up her rabbit and starting talking about the story and it went animated. Something like that anyway?

On a side note - when looking at this page saw that Richard Wilson provided the voice for a character. Well whilst typing this I have ITV Play on tv and the presenter just mentioned his name, that he is in a play in the west-end at the moment. Just thought that was funny seeing as I haven't heard of him in ages and then I see his name here and hear him mentioned on the tv!

Amy xxx


Yes, you are right. The tales started out that way and also ended with live action. During the closing credits you see Beatrix taking the newly written letter/story to the mail box or post office (I forget which one). I absolutely LOVE these stories. The music, the beautiful live shots in England. It is so cozy and comforting.
