What is this crap???????

watching it on late night TV. (TCM) i have NO CLUE whats going on. lots of rambling. i had to come to IMDB to see what the hell this movie is. Oh, wait, there is a drunk man philosophising in the park. It's finally interesting!

It's Cute, How You Think I'm Listening


Funny, because I'm watching it right now, about 30 minutes in, and I came out here to try and get some outline or perspective on exactly what's going on.

I can't tell who're the provokers and who're the provokees at this point. I really hate to bail on a film midway through, but this is truly difficult to watch; not good-difficult (in a "this is making me uncomfortable but I can't stop watching") but bad-difficult (in a "what's the point of this? It's really turning into a complete mess").


Ha Captain i agree!! Now i dont feel so bad. I'm not alone.

It's Cute, How You Think I'm Listening


Taped it on 3/22 but just got around to watching it. Starts out very slow (fast forwarded through a few scenes) but it's now just getting interesting (around the 40 minute mark). It's basically a behind-the-scenes documentary about two people auditioning for some movie while at the same time the camera crew filming the auditions (and the crew filming the documentary) are all questioning what the director is really doing. Sounds stupid but it's actually now worth finishing. Almost deleted it myself around the 35 minute mark.


It does feel stretched out at times, but there are some interesting moments. Not everything works, but it is worth watching for the oddness of it at all. I appreciated what they were going for. I would rate it a 6/10.
