MovieChat Forums > Jopog manura (2001) Discussion > Rated R(A) in Singapore? Why?

Rated R(A) in Singapore? Why?

Now that just makes me curious, why is the movie rated R(A) in Singapore, meaning that no one (yes, against the law) under 21 will be admitted to see this movie. What was really objectionable in this movie except for the violence and some slight profanity?


hmmm...R is over 21 there?????
Well anyways I'm guessing you havn't seen it.. but I wouldn't say some slight profanity, actually I would say alot for a korean comedy. The profanity may nt be alot with subtitles. I'm guessing the movie is R because of the sexuality in the movie.....

In the middle?? of the movie the girl (forgot her name) has to have a baby as a wish of her sister so she tries to make a baby with her husband. It's actually really funny how they have "you know what". I'm guessing this is the reason, but there really isn't any nudity in this movie.

well, hope that helped you



It might have something to do with kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach untill she has a misscarriage.


Because Singapore is full of paranoid censorers.
This is no big secret.



i dont know about over there but i know that in america they have differences too. like "pg" is "pg13" there and there "r" is the equivilent of australia's "ma".

not all countries have the same system, so dont get confused if an "m" rated movie here is "r" in the states. its probably just because they skipped "ma".
if some people saw that a movie was "m" here and "r" in america they might start to think americans are pussies that cant handle voilence or something - thats not true, in different countries the same letters may have different meanings.

and also, other civilisations in the world are more conservative than ourselves, which would explain why the age limit is 21 there and 15 here.
