MovieChat Forums > The Blue Planet (2002) Discussion > Killer whales are bastards

Killer whales are bastards

I mean really, yes they're predators, but some of their actions in this documentary seem just for fun. Why else would they play vollyball with a live seal? Or chase down a baby whale for six hours just to eat its tongue?

Never say "Worst movie ever" to someone who's seen Highlander 2


They only ate the tongue because it fed them and is really good for them in the same way they only eat the liver when they kill great white sharks.

I think there incredible. Amazingly smart creatures aswell as seriously powerful. They've been known to sometimes chuck seals around then put them back on land still alive.

Apparently they've rescued drowning humans at sea and swam them to shore.


Dolphins are like that too. I'm not surprised. These animals are incredibly intelligent.


Nature can be cruel. Sad but true.




humans do far worse to each other and other creatures every day. Animals this inteligent may seem evil when they do things like this although i doubt they have any cruel intentions. They do seem do be playing with the seal which is horrible to watch, but to them its fun, they dont know they are causing suffering. As for only eating the tounge of the whale calf.... that was pretty sad i felt horrible for it and its mother, and we dont know why they chased it for so long to mostly waste it, but we know it wasnt because they were being evil, theyre just animals


Yes, it is cruel, but not all killer whales do that. Orcas/Killer Whales are divided into two "ecotypes" that don't mix or breed together. The first kind is called the Resident, and they stick to eating fish (mostly). The second are called transient, and they eat dolphins, seals, whale calves, porpoises, etc. This one researcher jokes that "Transients are like that trashy family that lives at the edge of town and that nobody gets along with."

Here's a cool article of transients attacking a blue whale:


Well, animals are a lot like people, Mr. phonenumberofthebeast. Some of them act badly because they've had a hard life, or have been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are just...jerks.


Its a rough life in the wild. No hippie, peace and love out there...If you look like food you will be eaten!!!
The liberal ideology despises self reliance, all you need is the government.
