MovieChat Forums > Real Women Have Curves (2002) Discussion > real women DO have curves, what is wrong...

real women DO have curves, what is wrong w/ thinking that?

women are meant to be healthy and soft and look like women... what is wrong w/ embracing your curves? why do we need to look skeletal like this uire-5.jpg when most of us look like this rica-ferrera-green-dress.jpg

Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once I'll kill you twice~


It's wrong for a)gay guys who hate women and are responsible for the fashion world and b)jerks who don't have the balls to get a real woman and fantasize all day in front of porn movies and think that's what real women look like.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


dude... gay guys have nothing to do with this. why are you straight guys so obsessed with them and blaming everything on them and other women? seriously, every time a post like mine is brought up here one or 3 or you come mentioning gay dudes for no reason =P give it a rest and accept that men hate women more and are the ones calling big girls "nasty fatties"

also what about the fashion world? i havent seen this movie in awhile, is it actually about fashion or something? otherwise your comment has nothing to do with this

next to most straight men i would say gays LOVE women, hence why they do stuff like design beautiful clothes for them.

i kind of agree witht he second part though... look at kim kardashian for crying out loud!! ok, i think she is beautiful and sexy but come on.

Sweet as sugar, hard as ice, hurt me once I'll kill you twice~


You must be some overweight teenager. I can smell it all over you.
Listen sweetheart I understand its tough dealing with the fact you have flab all over your body and nobody seems to give you attention but why must you act like you're somehow superior because you eat more french fries?

Women should not be boxed into a type. Women come in ALL types of sizes and shapes. Being 'soft' is one of many. Being 'healthy' is one of many. Just as being 'hard' 'tight' 'skinny' 'athletic' 'curvy' are all one of many.

If Jennifer Lawrence is 'skeletal' I could only imagine that means you're about the size of a whale and clearly think that is healthy and normal. America Ferrera is nowhere near the 'normal' body type..perhaps in America it is..but OUTSIDE of the fattest country in the world with the highest rates of diabetes and'd find some healthy, skinny, curvy, and atheltic women who all look fantastic.

Cut your backwards ideas. Women dont need it.




You are so right I am so proud to have curves I can remember a time when I was skinny as a teenager and know that I am 25 I have curves that I just adore ?
