MovieChat Forums > Real Women Have Curves (2002) Discussion > Real women have a variety of body types

Real women have a variety of body types

I like the concept of this movie. I see that it is trying to make more women feel comfortable with their bodies. BUT, the name is awful. Again, it sets one type of body as the ideal for women. Real women don't have to have curves. Real women don't have to be rail thin. Real women don't have to have large tummies. Real women have a variety of body types, and they are beautiful.


I agree. After I saw this, I thought, am I NOT a "real woman" because I'm naturally thin and curve-less?


come on!! THIIIINK!!! THINK FOR A SECOND: thin/curveless women OWN this world, OWN the self-confidence, the men, the jobs, and many other things. So, yes, even if both of you are an exception for the rule, THIN WOMEN are the villains of the world and overweight girls are the victims of society. I'm an overweight man and even if I don't hate skinny guys, I realize they have their lives settled up and easy going. I don't. I need to struggle every day of my life to earn others respect. So, yes, we are REAL people because we struggle with life twice or maybe even thrice as hard as you do.
You may be a good person but most of skinny/thin/curveless people are EXTREMELY MEAN with chubbies and overweight people. They reject them, treat them like freaks and mostly DON'T LOVE them. So yes, we ARE REAL. You're just mean....

*Best of 2006:
Happy Feet
The Science of Sleep
Little Miss Sunshine
Children of men


Amen! I don't really agree with a lot of what you are seeing, I do see your point with some. Thin people can be rude, but I don't know if that is due to their thinness. However, I do think that overweight people have a hard time getting respect as people because too much emphasis is placed on our looks.

*I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart*


yeah, I got a little over the top, right? hehehe sorry but thanks for understanding my point between all the hate hehehehe :-P

*Best of 2006:
Happy Feet
The Science of Sleep
Little Miss Sunshine
Children of men


You remind me of some people I know and I have some suspicions about the "type" of person you are, but I am not one to make assumptions. :)

*I carry your heart, I carry it in my heart*


"Thin people can be rude"

Stupid comment.

Small people can be rude. Big people can be rude. Every single person can be rude. It's not limited to "thin people".


Thats true about intentionally thin people; but I know plenty of naturally thin girls who are quite sensitive about their wieght.

You shouldn't hate someone purley on the basis that they are skinny.

I apologise in advance for anything I have said in the post above.


I'm sorry but fat people can also be rude about skinny/slim people. Its so politically incorrect to label someone as fat for fear of hurting their feelings, but it seems that skinny people are fair game. Where is the fairness in that?


The woman that posted the question if she was LESS of a woman for not having curves, you really have no experience the OTHER side of life. How awful it is to be considered LESS than a woman because you are chubby/overweight? You are not attractive anymore to some kind of people who look at you as if you valued less. THUS, they are not LESS than a woman, yet they are treated as such. THE POINT IN THIS MOVIE (not in your life) is that a woman with "curves" (or FAT) it is STILL a real woman. If you saw the movie you would have an understanding of where this is coming from.
Now, if you have suffered from your mother telling you you are not good looking enough because you are so thin and have no curves, probably you will understand the protagonist suffering and could empathize with her. It is obvious - from your post- that this was not your case. But don't dismiss other women's experiences. If the title means something it is because of the kind of society we live in, in which your type is celebrated while "our" type is looked down upon.

If we had lived 150 years ago no one would have left you "be", everybody would have commented on your weight and how "unhealthy" you were, and how you needed to gain weight... you see.. it is a CULTURAL/SOCIAL thing, not an inherent trait that makes you less or more a woman, and THAT is the point of the movie and the title.


No offense, TalentedMrRipley, but how blatantly, pathetically ignorant do you have to be to believe that?

Are you honestly ignorant enough to believe that your body type makes you a "villain"?
Are you honestly ignorant enough to believe that your body type makes you a "victim"?
Are you honestly ignorant enough to believe that just because you are skinny, your life is handed to you on a silver platter?
Are you honestly ignorant enough to believe that just because you are fat, your life is "twice or maybe even thrice as hard" as that of a skinny person?
Are you honestly ignorant enough to believe that just because you are skinny, you are extremely mean and reject people and treat them like freaks because of their body type?

If you are pathetic enough to believe that, then I have pity on you. It takes great levels of ignorance to think like that - embarrassing, pitiful levels.



if i think like that (all you say is right: i am THAT ignorant) is because that's how life has taught me to.

all around me i see these things. i study in an arts school were fat people is always treated like that but that happens ever since i'm a little kid: fat people suffers because nobody treats them fairly.

if i think like that it's because that's how life is.

skinny people are lucky
fat people suffer...

[ mi vida es una nibola ]



I guess you know EVERY SINGLE THIN PERSON IN THE WORLD. Congratulations. I'm a thin woman and I don't "own" anything. I have low self-esteem, I suffer from depression, I don't have guys climbing over each other to get my attention (not that I'd want that), and people don't give me special treatment just because I'm thin. In high school my thinness didn't save me from the bullying I got from both boys and girls. I certainly don't look down on overweight people, and in fact find many to be attractive (Queen Latifah comes to mind). I'm dating an overweight person whom I love dearly. Why don't you go out and meet some REAL thin people instead of making ignorant assumptions of thin people.


didnt you say you hate men

"if I pretended to be me no one would ever know"


She may have said that in a previous post (I don't know), but pay more attention to her post and you'll see it makes sense: she wouldn't want men climbing all over themselves, she finds Queen Latifah attractive, she's dating an overweight PERSON- read the clues. She's gay. Men are evidently not relevant in her life.


You really are one *beep* up individual. I am happy to see a sexist feminazi in such pain. I guess karma is real.

"Well, I’d certainly say she had marvelous judgment, Albert, if not particularly good taste."


so all you're saying is: 'if you believe this, then youe are stupid'. I hope you realize how poor your argument is. well, actually that's NOT an argument at all. it's just an insult.

she talks from her personal experience, so she knows what he's talking about. and all you got to say to refute her experience is 'you are pathetic'?


PS. remember her words about people being rude and disrespectful? i think that fits you quite well.


TalentedMrRipley made a lot of blanket statements about society, without qualifying them as his/her perception of his/her personal experience.

It would have been so different if s/he had prefaced that statement with 'this may not be how it is for everyone, but this is what I have experienced in my own life'.

Horatio Caine: Maybe... we are on Baywatch.



Um, just because a person is thin doesn't mean she has no struggles whatsoever. For example, I'm naturally thin and 'curve-less', so using your logic, I would have a natural advantage over the curvier/chubbier girl. But I'm also visibly physically disabled, which makes it harder for people to take me seriously (yes, disabled people have a harder time getting jobs even if their disability does not interfere with their job performance). Plus, I don't look down on chubbier people-- at least, not the ones who are confident. They have no problem with the way they look despite societal pressure, and that is very respectable because I know how difficult dealing with that pressure can be.


Um... no they don't... and no the OP isn't, at all. You're hypersensitive and you're an intolerant idiot. It's OK to glorify obesity (aka what you call curves) but thin/curvy/athletic women are evil bitches for simply being who they are. There are by far more meanness from fat/chubby people to thinner ones (and generally from women to women, I'm embarrassed to say).

Grow up.

You think you think that you're glowing, but you had been ho-ing, and now you're pregnant.


Okay, so even though this is 9 years old I still have to say it: should there be a movie called, "real people have colored skin"?


OOOH trust me:
Overweight and fat women can be real bitches too!!

What's up with people thinking they can just make comments on your weight just because you are at the other end of the scale?.
- If people think that "You are way too skinny - eat some more" is less hurtful than "You are too big - loose some weight" then think again, for Gods sake!!!

Personally I am naturally skinny, and throughout my childhood years I thought it was annoying. But now .... I feel like the luckiest person ever to be able to eat anything and not gain one bit, but still not be flat as a board.
- And I am not ashamed of not having to buy diet coke!!

Big is beautiful!
Skinny is beautiful!


Hey there, Delilah! How bout we all shut up now?!


Because thin or curvy, the ideal placed on all of us is "thinner than you". I am on the thinner side, but I still feel pressure to focus on my "trouble" areas to fit into the size 3 low rise jeans that supposedly fit me. The point of the movie is that women need to learn to feel comfortable in their bodies, not embarassed or angry by them. Thin people are part of the ideal, but even that is usually not enough. I don't think I've met a girl, thin or curvy, who has not felt pressure or criticism based on their weight. The goal of the movie is not to diss thin people. The goal is to diss the "thin" ideal.


Women come in all shapes and sizes and the title also bothered me a bit. However, as there's such pressure for women to look a certain way, then the title does fit the premise of the film.

And I don't think the movie was really about curves - it was about having the courage to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. And to follow your heart. It was also about growing up and understanding how the real world works while keeping your integrity.

America's character was so strong and real, there aren't many characters like her in movies - but many in real life. She could think for herself, she deserved an education and she wanted to be valued for what she had to say rather than her looks (and I think that would have applied too if she had been beautiful and her mum was trying to marry her but she wanted an education).

The point about her losing her virginity was beautifully made ('I'm worth more than what's between my legs') and it's easy to forget that this way of thinking is still used to opress women in a lot of cultures. As if we were here just to fulfill men's needs and be baby making machines and not have any dreams/ambitions.

This movie made me feel really good about myself and the fact that I also always felt that the way I look is secondary :) :)


to the OP


lol, I knew some skinny women would start such a topic...
Of course, real women can be of any body type but we live in an era/society that glorifies "thinness". The title should perhaps be "Real women have curves too" ? It's a title that's very uplifting for curvy women (I haven't seen the movie), I don't think skinny women can understand. Every where you turn, you see thinness as the ideal. Can curvy women have a movie that glorifies curvy women a bit??



You are most mistaken. We live in a society that completely worships thickness, or, as they say to make the thick women feel better, "curves". Which is idiotic because I'm very thin but I have curves, as do many thin women. The OP makes a good point.

Can we slender women have a movie that glorifies slender women if the thick women do now?

Hey there, Delilah! How bout we all shut up now?!



I can understand where the OP is coming from. Yes, generally, thin is considered to be beautiful by Hollywood standards, and we do constantly have the "thin is beautiful/sexy" idea rammed down our throats, but it's the problematic use of the word "real" that have people divided.

I really liked this movie and its message. But I can definitely see how it can offend women who don't have curves. You have to look at it this way- yes, the thin is sexy idea may be very common, but it is still also very common for curves, thickness, (whatever you prefer to call it), to be more desirable (depending on where you go/who you ask).

There are plenty of men for example who prefer thicker women to thinner women. During my teenage years when I was still insecure about my body and everything, I often felt bad because most of the guys I knew preferred thicker women, or at least women with bigger breasts, hips, butts, etc. But I mean that was then, I grew up and I'm comfortable in my own skin now, and realize that I shouldn't want to look a certain way just so guys will be attracted to me. BUT, I think that it's something a lot of women are affected by, especially younger ones. There are also women who prefer to be curvy than to be skinny. I have friends who've said they'd hate to be thin, because they see it as being less beautiful.

So while the phrase "real women have curves" can be very empowering to many women, it (just like "skinny is beautiful" can also have the opposite effect on women who don't fall into that category).

I think the whole point of the movie is that you should be comfortable in your own skin, and not give in to the pressures of what other people "think" you should look like because all women are beautiful in their own way, and that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

So don't let the title offend you- it's the message that counts. I guess "Real Women Have Curves" is a bolder statement/has a better ring to it than, "Real Women Come In All Shapes and Sizes."



Real women DON'T look like prepubescent boys.

Women aren't "supposed" to have anything. Hips and vaginas bear children. You got those assets, you can bear children. [/commonsense]

You think you think that you're glowing, but you had been ho-ing, and now you're pregnant.
