do nipples grow back?

silly question. I know the human body can heal like no other but if someone gets their nipples cut off do they heal all the way?


I'd guess no.

Severed tongues grow back though! In record time!



No they don't grow back. Many eunuchs (yes,men still do it) cut off their nipples also,to be more sexless.


Awhile back, a friend and I decided to get crazy, so we lit a cigar, and burnt our nipples, just to see if we could do it.
I did it for a few seconds, but he did it WAY longer.
He's been told numerous times that it will never grow back.
Mine, however, is fine.

*Apathy Is The Cure*


So... did his nipple grew back?


Sounds like an outtake from Mythbusters.

Don't forget to do "My Funny Valentine" with the special lyrics about the moon landing.


I've always said Mythbusters was sorely lacking in nipple-related experiments.

Mein Fuhrer! I can valk!


...unless you count the two tits who present it, fnarr fnarr chortle chortle! :)

Don't forget to do "My Funny Valentine" with the special lyrics about the moon landing.


I am a man, and I have had a girl bite one of my nipples off, and a drunk friend burn one of my nipples off with a cigarette. The cigarette incident ended in extreme violence and we both ended up in the hospital. The situation with the girl was just brutally kinky and painful. In both instances (thank god) my nipple grew back. I was scared outta my mind that they wouldn't.



Photographic evidence of this, otherwise I will be unable to sleep at night.

Mein Fuhrer! I can valk!
