MovieChat Forums > Koroshiya 1 (2001) Discussion > Before you see this movie...

Before you see this movie...

...don't make the same mistake as I did and watch it.

It seemed to last forever, there was no dark humor and the gore was just terrible.

If you want a funny gore fest see "Bad Taste".
If you want a truly sick and disturbing film see "Serbian Film" (I dare you :))


I agree. It felt like a filler-episode of a mobster tv show, with nothing happening for most of it, just once in a while we'd see a mutilated body.


"there was no dark humor"

Yeah, none. I mean, unless you count the entire movie.


You just didn't get it. There's a lot going on in this movie.


Amazing how some people can tune in to 'Ichi The Killer', and expect 'Wuthering Heights' instead. The mind boggles.


Haha I kept pausing to see how much time was left. It felt like a 3+ hour film and it had no sort of flow. It was jumpy and you'd have a few brutal torture scenes split into laughable killings which really made this hard to watch
