MovieChat Forums > Koroshiya 1 (2001) Discussion > Is Ichi worth watching...?

Is Ichi worth watching...?

I like OldBoy and other asian films, like Odishion and Battle Royale.

My friends have suggested Ichi The Killer. Is there a high chance I'd like that as well?

Also is there any others people can suggest...


I suggest you do, its one of the greatest Asian films, In my opinion its one of the best films ever made.

It is a bit gory, just a bit, but if your not squemish then yes go for it.



Give it a go if you can deal with quite extreme violence.

Other good Asian films worth checking out are: A Bittersweet Life, the other two films in the vengeance trilogy and Memories of Murder, to name but a few.

If you like how twisted Ichi is then Miike is a goldmine of films to check out, but the ones I mentioned are a little more accessible.


You will love it, but you will be scarred for life. I think I like Battle Royale more, but Ichi is more well done. I think it would be difficult to watch Ichi too many times because the torture and rape scenes are so out of control and brutal. This movie proves how positively insane the human mind has become.


this movie is definatly at the top of the heap when it comes to asian horror... the only other movie that even comes close is prob. the host, if you enjoy horror/gore/asian films/nudity/yakuza and finally a good story than go ahead...

BTW movie can pretty much watch anything by takashi miike and it wont dissapoint




If you like Oldboy, you will like this movie. A lot more gore (and very disturbing rape scenes), but if you can deal with a man *beep* his own daughter and cutting out his tongue, you can deal with this movie. Plus, it's beautifully shot and the special effects for the gore are fantastic.


I've seen it now, and yeah it was OK... def' worth watching. Tongue scene is good...



How different is the uncut version to the cut region 2?


Oldboy is by far the better film. Try Lady Vengeance if you liked it. As for Ichi, it's worth a watch but it's badly structured and edited like much of Miike's work. Once you grasp the central themes and the relationship between the two protagonists (or antagonists) you'll get more from it. I don't agree it's the great "classic" that some are claiming it is.

My advice... ignore me, and them, and watch it. Make up your own mind.

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."


Just watched the unrated Ichi and in my opinion it is one of the best films I've seen. This is more gory and sexually violent than Grotesque which couldn't even get a release. Well worth watching.


I loved Oldboy and Audition, thought Battle Royale was decent... but really disliked this movie. I thought it was a poor man's Kill Bill.


Poor man's Kill Bill?
Considering that QT used some actors from this film as well as the fact that it was made nearly three years before KB was even thought of pretty much renders your critique null and void.


Just saying,

Quentin and Uma Thurman were talking about Kill Bill on the set of Pulp Fiction. There's an interview where he talks about them meeting and exchanging new ideas. He was going to delay Kill Bill and make Death Proof first, but he decided he couldn't wait to make Kill Bill.

So yes, Kill Bill was thought of over 6 years before Ichi was released.


Kill Bill comparisons seem silly, blades withstanding.

As dark and depressing the themes and as violently aggressive the imagery can be, Miike still manages to make this a funny and fun blood-filled romp through a sadistic yakuza and of itself commendable.

It's the kind of movie that holds up as good real estate- each time getting something emotionally different from the unhinged, id film-making.


This movie is terrible


The movies are nothing alike, also I enjoyed Koroshiya 1 much more, simply because it has a much better story. Kill Bill is just too cliched.


I HATED Kill Bill. Part 1 felt like nothing but flashback after flashback until the end, which was a (pretty awesome) fight scene. I never bothered with part 2 because I barely made it through the first.

Please tell me the similarities between the two movies are the extreme violence and NOT the way the plot is set up. I just bought this the other day and haven't seen it, I don't want to be disappointed like how I was with Kill Bill


I heard they use real jizz...a bucket of it on a girl LOL..I wanna see that scene so bad now



This movie rocks.

Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
