Will I like this?

I can deal with the gore. Give me as much gore as you want, it won't bother me. When it comes to pacing though, I just can't make it through some movies. I've heard a lot of reviews of this film saying that it's slow, confusingly paced, and not a lot happens aside from a few scenes. Exactly how prevalent are the action/gore scenes? Is it mostly talking? I don't mind slow movies, dramas, or movies with lots of talking, as long as they're well-done, but some of the reviews and comments are making me wonder.

So how much gore and action is there?


Yes, it is a little slow and kinda clunky in my opinion. However it had my full attention the whole way. Obviously it's going to be a lot of subtitles for English people but it was totally worth it. Extremely gory when it wants but actually told a really good story. It's mostly drama with spurts of heavy action and gore. There's not like explosions every 5 minutes or anything like that. If you have any interest in horror-crime or foreign films it's definitely a must watch if you can find a good copy.

Gore wise it's way past mainstream American films like Saw, American Psycho or Hostel.
