MovieChat Forums > Koroshiya 1 (2001) Discussion > Was that nipple slicing scene really nec...

Was that nipple slicing scene really necessary?

That was the one scene I really couldn't take. Not only was it too graphic, but it was completely unnecessary to the plot. I could take all the other violence, mainly because it was more cartoonish and it was committed mostly by Ichi and Kakihara (and was in keeping with their characters). Anyway, that one scene is the reason I can't recommend this film to anyone else. Otherwise, I thought it was pretty good.


you're drawing a line?

Hi! I'm.... Tommy, and I'm your friend to the end. Hi Di Ho. Ha ha ha.


nipple slicing scene? when was that?




Geez, what a prude. It's just a freakin' movie. Relax.



Corpus Vile, my bad...I should've clarified that I was directing my comments toward the original poster, not you.



gave me a boner so yes



Yes, it was necessary.
It could be used as a way of developing the characters of Jirô and Saburô. We already know now insane they can be (ie: the dog ears "ruff! ruff!", sniffing Myu-Myu's crotch to locate Long's whereabouts), but that particular scene also established Jirô & Saburô as couple of sadistic muthas as well.










They were torturing her to get information. Completely necessary to the plot.


It was a bit much but I don't think it ruined anything. Maybe it was there just to make sure the audience took no sexual pleasure from the nudity. She was a fine looking lady, but in that context, seeing her naked held no real sexual draw.


actually if you watch the scene again and go shot by shot you'll realize there was only implied violence and was just a montage of 4 shots to imply that her nipple was cut off. there was no graphic violence was all in your mind.


I'd say yes.

If you read the manga the film seems pretty tame.


More often, imagination can take you to heights of fear or whatnot more so than than portraying it on screen. I still found that scene to be the most disturbing out of all the torture cutting scenes.



You should read the Riki-Oh manga. I think a lesser villain ends up getting a trepaning, and the baddie administering it threatens the former with an even worse version of his punishment! But better off not, as towards the end the torture depicted is indescribable, far beyond anything in this movie! Those bastards were horrible monsters!

There's a slogan written here. 'If you're happy, try everything'...


Why is that so much worse than, say, a dude getting cut in half longitudinally?

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