MovieChat Forums > Crash Bandicoot (1996) Discussion > Why are they not what they once were?

Why are they not what they once were?

I grew up on this series. I remember being about 6 years old and playing Crash 2 at my friend's house. I ran home and told my mom that I simply had to have a game called Crash bananacoop..( I was 6, come on). Within a week I ran downstairs with a copy of Crash 2 and fired it up on my PlayStation 1. I instantly fell in love with the game and after that I spent the next decade of my life playing these games in my spare time or at sleep overs. I slowly beat every game in the series with my friends. To this day, I have beaten, Crash Bandicoot, Crash 2, crash 3, CTR, Crash Bash, Wrath of Cortex, Nitro Cart, Huge adventure, N-tranced, Crash Purple, Crash Twinsanity, and even Tag team racing. THe games all seemed similar to one another until I got to Twinsanity. After that, it was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. I mean, the old bosses (dingo, Tiny, Ripper Roo, Komo joe and his brother(whatever their names are), and even dr. brio.)...the whole atmosphere is different. They even ditched the old music score first seen on Crash 3 warped which I really identify as being Crash's theme. Basically, I would have thought twinsanity was childish even if I had played it when I was 6. Now there's a new game. Crash of the Titans. Tell me, is it even worth my time? Should I just keep going for my old friend? Should I hope that maybe just maybe this game will have the old feeling? Or should I Just accept that the old Crash Bandicoot is dead?


The originals were developed by Naughty Dog, who then sold the franchise to another company after CTR. The new developers changed them alot, which people did not like. I never played the newer versions, exept WOC,which was decent.



I hated WOC! I thought it was too hard, I just couldn't get into it. Loved Twinsanity though, and I've got Crash of the Titans as well. It's quite good, but I keep on coming back to Crash 2 + 3 as well as CTR and Crash Bash. They're timeless classics! (Never did complete Crash 1, too hard and I lost patience!)

I think, therefore we have nothing in common.



Crash of the titans is horrible, its too different and crash even has a tattoo! the levels aren't the usual kind, the look of all the characters is tottaly different... so no don't try it I bought it and regreted it ever since, I'm not even gonna play mind over mutant because it still has the titans, and the same character look.... You can't even spin boxes!! and there is no wumpa fruit :(

Im english sue me


Crash Twinsanity was the death of our dearly beloved Bandicoot.

Crash 1, 2 and 3 are the best ones. they each have their own feel and enviornment to them. i really cant choose a favourite between them. CTR and Crash Bash were great, nice kart game and a party activity game (just like super mario games on nintendo). lots of people were probably like "omg, imagine crash bandicoot on the playstation 2!!!" ... well, it was ok. not amazing, but not crap. and then came Crash's funeral: Twinsanity. what a load of crap. destroys the traditional levels with the bosses and crystal, gem and relic collecting system. the game was ok for 10 minutes but then it just went downhill.

naughty dog should have kept going with crash bandicoot and not sell it to sierra. i dont know one decent game that sierra has made. naughty dog has always made great games and still do(jak and daxter anyone?).
