MovieChat Forums > Time Changer (2016) Discussion > Likeable characters, stilted script.

Likeable characters, stilted script.

This movie was like a lot of the made for family christian films, and very focused on the message it was sending out. However, I found the minds that were responsible for this film were more 19th century than the characters in the film.

Overall, I laugh at the dialogue in some scenes. Who really talks like this, and with such prepared over-the-top conviction? The cast was very well assembled, and the casting of Carlisle was very good. With a little less religious indoctrination, this could have been every bit as good as any filming
of H.G. Well's "The Time Machine".

I found this film too preachy, and was too laughably critical of modern times. The Devil is responsible for today's ills indeed! Man is more responsible for his blunders that any deity or devil. I'd rather live in the time period I do now, than any time previous, and I'm sure others will say the same thing 50 years from now.

Being of good morals IS the message that Jesus taught us, and it is enough. Thankfully, reason and logic has crept into society's thinking so that we do not blindly follow and make the mistakes of previous generations in beliving that the bible(or any other religious base writing) is the final word, and not to question it.

Carlisle's encounter in this film of modern acceptance of things in his day that would be sinful is laughable. When are people who continue to make these films going to realise that we arrived at where we are through trial and error.
The present is not that bad, and certainly no worse that previous religious eras.

Oh, and it's too bad the time machine had to break down, not letting Anderson see that there will be a 2090 A.D. and so forth.....
