MovieChat Forums > Time Changer (2016) Discussion > Self- Defeating Propaganda Abound

Self- Defeating Propaganda Abound

The title “Time Changers” fooled me into believing that this might have been interesting in some way. Unfortunately, the distinct message that the creators were obviously trying to send was lost in their own naiveté as the film unwittingly displays a modern audience just how silly many of the old ways were. He is right; there are a great deal of difference between now and the 1890’s. Women can vote, African Americans are people; we live in slightly less fear of our own shadows and are not all so afraid to speak our own minds about religion for fear of being totally ostracized.

Perhaps most amazing of all in this film was the next to last scene where Dr. Carlisle, after giving an apparently non-rousing sermon to the uninterested masses of the church about how extremely important it is to live your life in accordance with God’s will then lies to the two gentlemen pursuing them by telling them that he is a messenger of god and then is transported back to the past leaving the two men to apparently find religion from this one concrete act of divine trickery that the Dr. knew was a falsity.

In summary I, as an atheist who even attempts to take the lord’s name in vain in my own screen name, must thank the good people who made this film for helping a new generation of people get a better understanding as to just how foolish people who actively believe in these ideas would look and also the kind of beliefs that you practice. I would encourage anyone over the age of 11 to view this movie as I believe that it is immoral to attempt to press beliefs on anyone under that age.


nailed it.


The OP's read on this flick reminds me of that E-mail folklore Christians enjoy so much.

Like the story of the atheist professor who challenges god to knock him down, then gets punched by a good Christian claiming "God was busy so he sent me." Something's hypocritical about enjoying vicarious violence against those who challenge their religion of peace.


Oh thank you for that.

I thought it was just harmless, then a little annoying. Then a little judgemental about those who do not abide by what the term Gods all knowing rules.

I got the feeling the aesop for the film was things were better in the old days.

None of this talk of Evolution, the women knew her place and no uppity dark folk getting ideas.

Well that's the vibe I got.


Thank you magic god, your post has "nailed it", i have finally realized that the gut-spatteringly sick and horrid violence, total lack of morality, and schools that crank out hundreds of thousands of students who can't even read their diplomas, are all much better than non-voting women,(after all, women did so well with our last election,) blacks without rights,(even though blacks were always people, especially since Lincoln freed them[and, in fact, Lincoln was a Republican *and* a very good Christian,]) and the right to speak positively of Christianity,(in modern times, when we can now *speak freely about religion*, any Christian who dares even *mention* Jesus is thrashed by you athiests, and crushed by liberals). No, *you're* the one with the self-defeating propaganda.

"Why can't you people ever keep your feet on the ground?" Ardeth Bay


Actually, Lincoln was very probably an atheist at heart.


Judging by his writings and speeches Lincoln believed in some sort of higher power. However he never formally joined any Christian denomination.

Oh, and yeah, Lincoln was a Republican, but that was when the Republican Party was the party of Civil Rights, an activist federal government, higher taxes, and more power to labor movements -- hardly sounds like the GOP of today, does it?

Finally, anyone who thinks that depriving large segments of the population of basic civil rights because doing so is a small price to pay for social order is welcome to test that by doing without those civil rights himself for a while. My experiences as an oppressed minority have been mild compared to the ones the poster above seems to find so acceptable, but they were quite enough to tell me that the price he's willing to foist on others is much to high to pay.


Doncha love how christians think anyone "good" was "christian" while anyone "bad" was "atheist"?

Lincoln & Washington & Ben Franklin - non-Christians (possibly atheists, at least deists): ask any "christian" and they'll assure you those men were christian, too

Meanwhile, ask them about Hitler, raised Catholic, citing god in his writings, led the party with "God is with us" on its belt buckles, and they'll SWEAR he was an atheist

THAT's propoganda


No, no, no

Lincoln, Washington, and Ben Franklin absolutely none of them were atheists. Deism is not similar to atheism, it's a theistic belief. You're right about them not being Christians but they did believe in God

Now hitler was no Christian. He was condemned by the Catholic Church (see the Papal encyclical mit brennender sorge), and there are quite a few anti-Christian quotes ascribed to him, but rather than getting rid of the religion he would manipulate it and pick out parts that would suit him best. But yeah there's things like what you mentioned as well. He may have been some sort of germanic paganistic theist.


You are sounding like a Christian. Just because the "Church" says Hitler was not christian does not make it so.
Hitler himself was raised Catholic and invoked god and christ when it suited him, just like any "Christian" today does.
He most definitely was a member of the Catholic Church, though that might make him LESS christian in the eyes of some.


Just because the "Church" says Hitler was not christian does not make it so.

"Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery..."

"The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity."

-Adolf Hitler
I'd hardly call him a Christian. Theist? Maybe. Christian? No. (Although I wouldn't call him an honest man, either. Who knows how he truly believed.)

Message to transmentalist: You don't have to be a Christian to believe in God.

And btw; I belong to no church.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K


You are very mistaken, Ricochet.

The percentage of self professed Christians in the United States approaches 85%.
You realize that the number of literate American citizens has risen since the 1800's, correct? It is also foolish to mix your politics and your faith, because you will end up with a watered down version of both. You disregard "liberals" in the same breath as "atheists". You must be fundamentalist. You do damage to the Church and to Christianity by your words and actions. Who would dare come to Jesus Christ if your face was what represented His Message? Consider that, please.

~Pastor J.W. Allen~


Actually, this movie is unintentionally hilarious because of the bad acting and historical mistakes it makes. As for arguing the validity of the religious arguments, I am agnostic and find most of that pointless. But lately the people who call themselves atheists are ranting as much as the people who call themselves Christian. You are making me think that atheism is the new religion. First of all, in science you can't prove a negative so you can't prove there is no God. Sure, you can say there is no evidence but just because you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there. Totally creepy in a way, because we assume our 5 senses are enough to perceive everything around us. We might be wrong about that.

As for Lincoln and the Founding Fathers, there is no evidence that they were atheists as they all invoked God in their writings. And they are not here to clarify their positions so this is just an effort to gather up prominent people in your numbers so you seem right in your belief. Aren't Seth MacFarlane and Richard Dawkins impressive enough atheists to bolster your belief system?

We are likely the most primitive beings in the universe. We can't possibly understand concepts like God on a level that means we have it all figured out. But I do recommend this movie because it is unintentionally hilarious!


Victor Stenger ably proved that the God of the Bible does not exist in The God Hypothesis. He explained that science cannot prove a universal negative, that there is no god anywhere at anytime, but the Bible describes a very specific God that, according its own testimony through and through, would leave very particular evidence of his presence. After reviewing the complete absence of any corroborating evidence, Stenger was able to conclude accurately in this case, that the absence of evidence is indeed evidence of absence. The Judeo-Christian God does not exist. Some other god may or may not.


Did Victor Stenger take into account that the God of the Bible likes to hide things from people? It makes no sense that an absence of evidence would disprove God, because God can manipulate any and all evidence.
I don't think it'd be possible to either prove or disprove God, unless of course after death. Most miracles can be explained scientifically, but also can't be proven to be not caused by God. God himself would be the same.
