Just a Few Thoughts

Things I did Like:
I thought the overall message was a good thought provoking one. I don't know if I agree with it 100% in that it's WRONG to remove the name of Jesus if teaching his morals, but if you are in a situation where you can do such it would be ideal, but definately it was thought provoking, and I like that in a movie. Nowadays, there are so many non-Christians/athiests that to tell them God says they can't do something, they'd just respond with a "Well he doesn't exist so I guess it doesn't matter." type reply. Perhaps it is important in the teaching of our own children, but to walk up to a stranger and use that as the reason, you won't get anywhere.

As far as the acting goes... Carlile was... okay...
The best actors were the other professors at the Seminary and also the hispanic guy in the dry cleaners (Eddie)
And (in my opinion) the worst were the librarian lady (Michelle)... totally just felt like she was reciting a script she had memorized every time she spoke, I just didn't find it believable in normal conversation... more like talking to a telemarketer who has one of those "readily prepared answered" checklists. Also I thought the two guys that followed him around trying to figure out what he was up to weren't great... They just didn't seem to pull off the part properly to me.

John 3:16

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I went to see this during a time when I was seeing just about every film that was being put out. It was such a deception in the movie poster and the advertising about the film about what the subject was about. I agree with the reviewer that they use subterfuge to try to fool people into thinking it was going to be some sort of sci-fi movie.

I was actually looking forward to seeing the film and as it went on and on about their morals and behavior modification I saw that their desire to promote lies and their beliefs was clear. Needless to say I wish I could have gotten my money back but it wasn't the fault of the theater that the advertisements were not even close to honest about the content.
At least "Christmas with a capital 'C'" is honest about what it is about.

"I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." -Douglas Noel Adams
