my own revelation

This really doesn't have anything to do with the film, I've never seen it. But while searching for movies that were filmed in my hometown of Visalia, Ca, I discovered this film. The revelation is this...
I was the bestman for my friend's wedding and afterwards we went to the Holiday Inn for the reception. We had reserved the bar for the occasion (like 2 hours) and everyone not in the reception party was supposed to be out. Well, long story short, when we get there we see Paul Rodriquez (who plays Eddie Martinez) in the bar drinking and smoozing with some girl. Then he gets really offended when we ask to take pictures because we're fans of "Born in East LA" & "The Whoopee Boys".
I think its funny that he's drinking and trying to make it with some young girl while filming this "Christian" movie. I was a little pissed then, but now I think he's even cooler than ever...I wonder if Christiano was around there, too?



No shocker...unless said Christian is married and doesn't want photos taken of him and another woman in a bar, which isn't supposed to be a "normal" Christian unless you're f@#$ing for Jesus. Hell, he may not even be a Christian and was just collecting a paycheck, I don't care...but the dudes who covered that check and hotel might not think its as funny as I do. The moral of the story is that I met Paul "my cuzin Javier" Rodriquez!

"I wanted to thank you for only giving me the clap. These days it's refreshing to meet a girl with curable diseases."


Every story has another side, and this one is no different. My mother told me to believe half of what I see, and none of what I hear, and this is also another applicable adage. Just as easily, he could have been in the bar with his girlfriend of two years, and you were drunk and obnoxious. He politely declined, and then you became abusive in front of his girlfriend and it went from there.

"...nothing is left of me, each time I see her..." - Catullus


Well, most people think they can do one thing for Jesus(star in a christian movie) and that means they're right with god.


I see the original post was made years ago, so very belated reply:

I don't know anything about Mr Rodriquez, whether he claims to be a Christian or just was in this movie for the money or as a favor for a friend or whatever.

But it's not clear from the above that if he is a Christian that he did anything hypocritical. Some Christians believe that any alcohol consumption is wrong but most don't. As long as he wasn't drunk he did not violate any clear Biblical command. I don't know exactly what "smoozing with some girl" means. If he was not married, there's nothing wrong with him flirting. Even if he was married, there's nothing wrong with him being friendly with another woman as long as it is not an affair or leading to an affair. Nowhere does the Bible say that people of the opposite sex are not allowed to speak to each other.

Now if what you mean is that he was drunk and making indecent propositions, that would be a different story.

Fortunately for Christians, though, the Bible does not tell us to base our faith on the behavior of other people, Christians or not, but to take Jesus Christ as our model.
