Revelations 2030?

Just for the record I'm not religious, and don't want to argue about it! Each to his own.

I was just amused, having caught the last 20 mins of this 'educational' piece, at the final scene. We see our Victorian scientist fellow trying to blast a Bible into the far future (for future generations edification no doubt) only to discover the machine makes a disappointing 'negative function' bleep. Too far in the future? So he dials it back 10 years. Still no go! And so he continues, 2070, 2060... Oh dear! Does this mean the end of the world is nigh??? I'm scared! Better love Jesus now or I might not get picked for eternal life!!!!!

Sorry I shouldn't be so facetious I know. But really, these sort of scare tactics are at best amusing and at worst an attempt to leverage the minds of the lost and confused.


I thought this too.


Time Changer Is a wonderful peace of work, It tells the truth about Our Savior Jesus, about sin and morals, in a powerful way, it will be wasted on the hard hearted though, through its use of Time travel it shows how the American world was just a little over a hundred years ago and how it has changed to what it is now a world who has banned God. But God gives us freewill to make that choice. It also weeds out those who are to arrogant to believe the obveise, or the people who want God on their terms not Gods, We have a choice to make Heaven or Hell, we already have eternal life, its your choice where you spend it. But most people don’t want to admit their wrong, and need help; we try to force things to be right just cause we want them to be.
Truth is in the Bible but cowards don’t want to see it. There is only one way to heaven, and that is through Jesus. There is more evidence for Jesus in the world then there is for Caesar, more evidence outside the Bible. Like the truth that people will turn away and deny the Scriptures, now isn’t that what your doing. I plead with you to let God show you himself on his terms, you may not like what you see though; God is not for the faint of heart.

















Thats funny, but before i became a christian, i always wanted to know if the prophecies of the bible were true. how accurate was the bible? like a newspaper. full of predictions like the weather (friday will be in the 80's), (tuesday president bush will give an announcement in NY), (horroscope), you heavily rely on information without seeing who wrote it, and have no problem living your everyday lifestyle by this newspaper..But can admit an intellignet being wrote it...But when it comes to the bible everyone becomes angry, dont wanna hear about...why? you think its gonna ruin your life? end your fun? I was listening to some secular professors gave speech on the accuracies of the bible: 70 AD General Titus, of the ROMAN EMPIRE overcame israel and slaughter many jews, many of the jews scatter throught the world because of her sins against GOD...christians believe that this was prophsied by the bible ...secular professors deny such claim because they said this happend before the NT testament wrote it...but get this they admit that the OT was written prior to this,many years ago not knowing that this same info was recorded in OT as well...the bible also predict that in the last days israel would return home to Israel in order for prophecies to be fulfilled check it out may 15 1948 was fulfill from the prophecy (ezekel 36:1-14),(hosea 3:5,6) read it if you want proof..Israel has been scattered twice in her time, restored once already( from babylon empire), scattered the second time 70AD(daniel 9:26), and GOD said He will recover them the second time (isaiah 11:11-12)...Goto your public library look up under old newspaper in may 15 1948 (PALESTINE POST), its even quoted that day that this was bible prophecy fulfillement, so if were living in the last days like chist said, wars and rumors of wars, pestilence(deseases) famine, and the rise of the antichrist is on his want more proof i got it...if your having problems, see i can be stuborn about a newspaper and say "its not gonna rain tomorrow", or "this AD is a hoax" and decide not to beleive it cause i think its goes both ways with a newpaper or the bible, a choice to believe it or not..people today not really looking for proof, sin blocks their path and will become angry when proof of the bible arises..oh yeah about those professors they bacame christain astonished at todays events walked off the pages of the bible...




If you are going to use an example, please do not use Kent Hovind. He has no credentials and all his arguments are false. I am not just saying that, go to and under creationist claims you will have a valid response from real scientists to every claim that you can make. They have over 100 topics to answer. Kent Hovind is NOT a scientist.


Also, I'm not an expert on the topic, that's why I'm reccomending him as opposed to telling you myself, I'd probably butcher the crap out of it.

With all due respect to your specific beliefs, Lady MacManus, I am pretty sure a blind, mute zombie with only a jug of maple syrup and two bags of sand as visual aids could do a better job of explaining any scientific occurrence better than Kent Hovind. Citing one of the most well documented liars in the world when it comes to science is not exactly the sort of thing that makes your case.

"If you are mean enough to steal from the blind, help yourself."



If Jesus isnt coming back like you think why are you and others who dont believe in Jesus so scared of the end of this film



Just because mankind has become so 'bad' that judgment day is near, still doesn't mean that this planet is gonna implode or explode or anything. So my point: the bible should have arrived in the year 2200, wether there were humans there to read it or not, wether the humans there were ok or screwed up , wether Christ would have returned to Earth or not... The bible should have left 1890 with destination 2200 !


First let me say that Zombie must have an IQ of about 10.
The bible has been proven many times through out the years.
One would be the location of the Temple Mount, if you will read the bible and then look at the location, you will see that they match perfect. Zombie states that their is no Proof of Jesus, well there is no proof of Evolution, it is just a theory. The proof of Jesus is one of faith, would zobie die for Evolution. The Bible says when Jesus returns, every one will confess that Jesus is Lord. If Zombie does not want to believe that is ok, we should all pray for him that he will see the truth, but fighting with him will not solve anything. Pray that God will let him see the light. Zombie I will Pray for you and even if you do not believe in Jesus, he still loves you and wants you to be his child. Following Jesus is the best and most wonderful thing I have ever done. He never said it would be easy, but it will be worth it. My life is great with Jesus in it and just because I choose to follow the Laws of God and to keep the laws dose not mean that I have lost any of my freedom, but I have gained something more, I will live forever because I have Jesus Christ.

Thank You
and God Bless



Hi Zombie,

How do you know that the Bible is full of "rubbish" and is a "magic book"?
Have you seriously read any of the New Testament of the Bible (with an open un-biased mind)? Would you be willing to read it?

You mentioned being takes a LOT of faith to believe that we are "a result of random occurences, of chaos"! How could the complexity of the human body have just been an accident?! Everything has an order. Respectfully, your way of thinking just doesn't make sense.

Do you really believe that you are in complete control of your life? If so, how are you doing so far?



Hi Zombie,

Thanks for your respectful reply.

You mentioned earlier in this message board "so much pain and suffering seems to have occurred because of the beliefs of others" and I would like to comment on that.

You are right! There have been many people of faith who have been hypocrites and done terrible things in the name of God. Christians are now beginning to see the results of those attitudes and self-righteous..."I'm a better person than you" hypocritical attitudes. Now that we are trying to change the attitude, the world is saying..."I'm sick of this goody-two-shoes religion! Don't talk to me about it!".

We are sinners just like anyone else in this world but the difference that we have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Our sins are forgiven because when Jesus gave His life up to be crucified on the cross, He did it for us, all of us who would believe. The scriptures say that "the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord".

You also mentioned an interst in the paranormal occurences. Is that saying that you are interested in the supernatural occurences?



Hi Zombie,

Do you agree that good and evil exists? Do you believe we are spiritual beings?

What do you think of the scientific investigations of unusual occurences so far? Do you not believe any of them?

I'm not worried at all about what happens when I die. That is settled. As to whether I receive rewards after I die I don't know but I do know I will stand before God justified by his grace.

Oh, you mentioned you were a zombie fan. Check out the movie AMC is airing. An old 1953 classic "Invaders From Mars". It's airing right now on AMC but I'm sure they'll show it again. Don't know your age but if you're around my age you'll appreciate this old classic.



What I mean by "spiritual being" you believe each person consists of a spirit, soul and body? The spirit cannot die, it is an immortal being. The soul is the mind, will and emotions. The body is our physical human, fleshly body.

One difference in your beliefs and mine is that I DO believe that there is pure evil (Satan) and there is pure good (God-holiness). All of us have a sinful nature. No matter how hard we try to do good we always end up sinning. When we as Christians sin, we confess to God what we have done and ask His forgiveness.

Just because someone does something evil doesn't necessarily mean they are POSSESSED by a demon but they can be OPPRESSED by a demon. By oppressed, I mean these demons are around them influencing them in inaudible ways. The Bible says, "be sober (responsible), be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour."



That's a good question.

I suppose it goes back to the question of whether one believes the Bible or not. I believe the Bible. I have many reasons as to why I believe in the Bible. Here's a few...

1. It is unique in its continuity. The Bible has been read by more people and published in more languages than any other book. It has been translated and retranslated and paraphrased more than any other book in existence. It has withstood vicious attacks of its enemies as no other book. Many have tried to burn it, ban it and outlaw it from the days of Roman emperors to Communist-dominated countries.

2. Prophecy that the Bible contains. I see prophecy from this book being fulfilled more and more everyday. Prophecies relating to individual nations, to Israel, to certain cities, and to the coming of One who was to be the Messiah(Jesus Christ).

Mohammedanism cannot point to any prophecies of the coming of Mohammed hundreds of years before his birth. Nor can the founders of any cult in this country rightly identify any ancient text specifically foretelling their appearance.

3. When I became a born again Christian, God changed my life in a way that cannot be explained in human words. Prayers that I have prayed that He answered have at times been incredible. I have absolutely no doubt that He exists and the Bible is as real and alive as I am right now.

Now about other gods. The Bible says there is only one true God. The rest are man made gods. The Bible says in I Corinthians, "...and there is only one God--our Father. All things came from Him, and we live for Him. And there is only one Lord--Jesus Christ. All things were made through Him, and we also were made through Him."

It all comes down to faith. The Bible says in Hebrews chapter 11: "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."



You are really incredible.......almost all of your facts can be answered intelligently from ancient texts that of course you would say are fakes........

just humour us josh mcdowell,,,,,,,,evidence that demands a verdict..or hugh ross......the fingerprint of god........the creator of the cosmos

just some of the prophesies of jesus ............produce odds of 1 in 10 to the 35th power.......
did you know it was estimated that every grain of sand on earth would only be 1 in the 10 to the 25th power........

jesus is have no hope of anything if you do not believe ...................consider the possibility you are wrong.......



Hi again Zombie,

You ask about what prophecies and where is Jesus if he's supposed to be coming back? I cannot answer that without giving biblical answers but you don't want me to quote any of the Bible to you. Yet, this is the only way I can explain about the prophecies.

Isaiah was a prophet in Jerusalem centuries before Jesus was born. Isaiah foretold of Jesus birth, his suffering and his death. This was fulfilled when Jesus was born in Bethlehem and through his life history. Jesus' birth was also prophecied about from the prophet Jeremiah. Micah was with the prophet Isaiah and he wrote of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem.

While the Old Testament and four Gospels are filled with scores of references to Christ's return or the Revelation, the Epistles also contain plenty of scripture that speaks about Christ's return to earth.

This is some of the prophecy that we see today being fulfilled:

2 Timothy 3: 1-5
"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."

Does this not sound like the world today? There's selfishness, the love of money, pride, disobedience, ooooh and how about ingratitude! Lack of love, broken promises, lying, no self-control when it comes ot sex, temper (road rage among many)!

Jesus spoke of the end times in Matthew when he was speaking to the disciples...
"Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in different places. All these are the BEGINNING of sorrows. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."

Man! does this sound like the world today!!

Look at the AIDS virus, West Nile virus, and the increase we are seeing in the insect world. Fire ants now invade Texas (where I am from) that as a child, I had never heard of. We now have the african killer bees here! Look at the men who have come and gone claiming to the Christ!

There are other prophecies about Christ's return and the end times in Daniel, Jeremiah and Revelation. Prophecies about all the things going on over in the Middle East involving Israel. Prophecies that talk about Iraq and Iran. I could go on and on but you probably already have eyestrain!



Actually, even from a non-Christian standpoint, it's absolutely accurate that the Old Testament was written before the Christian religion began in roughly 1st century AD. Judaism is one of the oldest faiths on the planet. That's a true and simple fact.

However, the Bible is also proven wrong many times over.

Myth: There was a world-wide flood.
Fact: The flood, for all indications, was limited to the Dead Sea region. FYI - there is no evidence of a flood in North America.

Myth: There is a historical record of Jesus.
Fact: Aside from the Bible, there is not one writing supporting that Jesus walked the earth. The Jewish people were nearly anal in their historical writings of the time, and yet none of the great historians of this era say anything about a Jesus of Nazareth. Or any Jesus, for that matter. Isn't that just a tiny bit odd, considering how many people either followed him or wanted him dead?

Myth: Lots of Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled.
Fact: So have the ones predicted by Nostradamus, if you count fulfilling them by taking the writings and assigning them to past events that best match.

Misconception: The Old Testament prophecies are proven true by the new testament.
Reality: Well, this is just plain absurd. I can find an old book that claims a lot of things, then write a book to be used a hundred years later claiming all sorts of things happened.

Point: The Gospels don't agree on much regarding Jesus's life. Like when the wise men came (or if they came at all).



There IS non-biblical historical records of Jesus as well as Biblical prophecies that have been fulfilled.

Refer back to statements (above) on May 25th by MajesticSunrize.

Refer to other message board titled: "Re: Comments from Sunshine in Ireland".


Ok, I've already made my case against Titus. Also, he's the only person from the Roman Empire that lists Jesus. The real historians make no mention of him, probably because Titus was copying what he was reading in the Gospels.

BTW, those "prophecies" are in the Old Testament. Well, as we know that there was an Israel during the NT, MajesticSunrize's statement of it pertaining to 20th century events is just plain wrong. Best case scenario, it was right about 2 thousand years ago, before Israel was scattered to the 4 winds again. Worst case scenario, it was written after Israel got back together, then added in as a "found work".

So, the prophecy, if fulfilled, was fulfilled in times long past. Not 1948. Besides, for a defeated people to write into their religion the hope of having their country back is hardly unique, and not so much a prophecy as a statement of desire. I mean, geez, if the South were to "Rise Again", would you declare all the people owning posters that say that as prophets?



Preach it on the mountain, brother.



I was just wanting to ask you a few questions, I know this is off of the original subject of the movie, but why did you put the pronoun Jesus in your call name? I was just curious.

Also one more question if you don't mind...I was trying to find what it is you truly believe, but you mentioned so many things when you responded to all of those replies...what is it that you believe to be the truth? Or maybe you are not sure except that you don't believe in God or Jesus or whatever? I am interested in what you have to say.

"...and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this"


This isnt intended to change anyone's beliefs,only the set-apart spirit can do that,all I can do is offer what I know to be truth.

To start with zombiejesus seems to think the new world order is a myth.Well,turn over a dollar bill and read ' Novus Ordo Seclorum ' This is Latin for ' announcing the birth of a new secular ( humanistic ) order 'This phrase was'nt thought up for our currency to have a fancy slogan,it had been around for a long time,passed through thousands of years by the members of secret societies that people group under the heading of the illuminatti ( illumined or enlightened ones ).The creation of the European Union is a major step in the revitalization of the roman empire which will be the seat of power of the NWO

No zombie.I am not a christian,and I agree with you to a certain extant that it is a manmade religion.However the Scriptures both old and new,are the inspired word of the creator of all things.Please dont take this as an attack against christianity or any of its denominations.Do some homework on the Council of Nicea 325 C.E.This is when emperor Constantine,yes,he is in the history books,created catholicism.Catholicism means universalism and is a blending of all then-known forms of pagan worship with the original faith as practiced by the apostles in the first century.Constantine was a pagan sun-worshipper.He twisted the meanings of the events told in Scripture to fit his pagan worship,thus creating modern christianity.Martin Luther had the right idea to reform the catholic church,but he left many issues untouched and even today the protestant churches practice many doctrines that the catholic church created.I urge all christians who read this too do a search on the Hebrew roots of the christian faith.There are many books that explain what is wrong with the christian church today.Fossilized Customs by Lew White is very thourough.There is a website of the same name.For anyone who thinks that this is new-age psycho-babble read the Two Babylons,it has much the same information although its harder to read being over 100 years old.Do a search on christmas/saturnalia or easter/ishtar to find out why these 2 christian holidays have their origins in pagan worship and are to be found nowhere in the scriptures.

Revelations says that those who have understanding will reckon the number of the beast,666.Find out that on the pope's funny pointed hat,the Latin words ' vicarious dei fillei ' mean vicar of christ.In english,vicar means replacement,catholics believe a mortal man elected pope has the authority of the saviour.In Greek the word vicar means anti.The numerical value of the letters of those Latin words is 666.Hows this for a prophecy?Very soon,the pope(not the current one,but almost surely the next)will proclaim the world that he is jesus christ.He will perform many false miracle,deceiving almost the entire planet.The head of the jesuit order ( currently Peters Hans Kolvenbach )will likely be his right hand man,always appearing when these false miracles take place.

Now for the biggie.The letter J is only 500 or so years old.So how can the name of the saviour be jesus.There is no record of a man named jesus because no such man ever lived.jesus is a false Greek translation of the saviour given Hebrew name Yeshua.Any one claiming to be jesus is clearly a deceiver since the MessiYah at the 2nd Coming will not be coming under anything but His true given Hebrew name.God and lord are titles not names,anyone interested in learning the Father's true name can find it in most bibles prefaces or do a search on the tetragrammaton.

Please respond in a constructive manner,I'll discuss but won't argue or debate.I know this is hard to haer but remember the scriptures say, Beware of the lying pens of the scribes.This is because the many translations have distorted the actual meaning of the scriptures which can only be fully understood by reading the divinely inspired Hebrew.And contrary to popular belief the new testament was Hebrew before being translated to Greek.Also remeber that the scriptures say,'you have inherited lies from your fathers'This is because most people wil believe what they are taught which is likely to be what they learned from their elders who only learned wht they were taught.You must be like the Bereans who every dat searched the scriptures for themselves to see if what they were being taught was true.



Mind if I cut in?

I have some questions about Christianity.

Number 1, why would a loving, caring God create a Hell? This is a kicker to me. "I love you, but because you didn't love me, BURN, sucker, BURN!" Couple this with the idea that He has gone out of his way to make sure there's no evidence of his existence, and he's punishing those with intellect, those who question. A loving god wouldn't punish people out of spite, which is exactly what this is.

Number 2, why is God bipolar? Seriously, he switches his stance on violence, war, marriage, etc all the time.

Number 3, why do you believe Revelations, when you only believe what was written pre-Roman times? Revelations was written by a man named John in the 3rd century AD. It was basically written as a "become Christian, because if you don't, you're gonna suffer". And 666 is also numerology for Ceasar, an emperor that was condeming Christians. Revelations was not written originally in Hebrew.

Number 4, why would God create a massive universe for a tiny planet filled with people he has a love/hate relationship with?

There may or may not be a God, but I seriously doubt that if He loves us, that he created a Hell for us. That's not the act of a loving being, it's the act of a sadist. I do believe there is something, more just because I want to than anything else. But Christianity? Nah.


You say there is no proof that God is real or that Jesus ever existed. There have been many comments on this subject here including some of my own.

I can't prove to you by the ways of man that God and Jesus exist, but I submit this to you...

You can't see the wind and yet it's there. You can't tell where the wind originates but you can feel it blow. Here's the best way I know of to explain it and it comes in the words of one of Bill and Gloria Gaither's songs, titled "Go Ask"...

"Don't ask me how to prove to you why I know God is there,
And how I know that He would care for you.
Don't ask me why someone so great would choose to walk with me,
And trade my broken life for one that's new.

Don't ask me to explain for you how one could start again,
How hardened hearts could soften like a child.
And don't ask me how to reason out the mysteries of life,
Or how to face its problems with a smile.

Go ask the child whose got a Dad to love away the hurt he had,
Before this man called Jesus touched their lives.
Go ask the one whose fears have fled whose churning heart was quieted,
When someone whispered peace to all her strife.
Go ask the man to tell you more whose life was just a raging war,
inside himself,until the Savior came.
I don't pretend to be so wise, I only know He touched my eyes,
And nothing else will ever be the same."



Actually, if there's smoke, you can see the wind.

AND, I can tell you where wind originates.

Also, wind can be measured, studied, cataloged. We know it exists.

We also know other things we can't see exist. Like black holes.



First let me say that Zombie must have an IQ of about 10.
The bible has been proven many times through out the years.
One would be the location of the Temple Mount, if you will read the bible and then look at the location, you will see that they match perfect. Zombie states that their is no Proof of Jesus, well there is no proof of Evolution, it is just a theory. The proof of Jesus is one of faith, would zobie die for Evolution. The Bible says when Jesus returns, every one will confess that Jesus is Lord. If Zombie does not want to believe that is ok, we should all pray for him that he will see the truth, but fighting with him will not solve anything. Pray that God will let him see the light. Zombie I will Pray for you and even if you do not believe in Jesus, he still loves you and wants you to be his child. Following Jesus is the best and most wonderful thing I have ever done. He never said it would be easy, but it will be worth it. My life is great with Jesus in it and just because I choose to follow the Laws of God and to keep the laws dose not mean that I have lost any of my freedom, but I have gained something more, I will live forever because I have Jesus Christ.

Thank You
and God Bless

Why would you pray for a guy you insulted??


Perhaps the implication is that there was nowhere for the bible to land because the whole universe vanished into a puff of nothingness due to our unforgivable evilness. After all, the whole universe is centred around the Earth, isn't it? :)


What really gets me? According to the Bible, there's 1000 years after the tribulation and all that of peace on earth.
1000 years.
Meaning that, if the time machine wouldn't send it beyond, say, 2050, would imply we've already had the tribulation. And it's getting close to ending.

Besides, nothing states that time is going to end, anyway. So the time machine would just beam the Bible to either empty space, or an empty planet.


"The creation of the European Union is a major step in the revitalization of the roman empire which will be the seat of power of the NWO."

Oh please, I know someone in the European equivalent of your senate personally. There is no such thing as a continentwide conspiracy, save what some powerless industrialists might believe they have.


For those in the good old USA, you can argue and disagree all you want about weather Jesus existed or if GOD is real. The true is very painful to you, non believes in the USA, because your country still ONE NATION UNDER GOD, yup, one nation under GOD, so as you can see, your forefathers believe in this GOD, and here we have people with high intellect who believe in this GOD enough to make put the nation under GOD. Furthermore, they don’t even take your word in your courthouse until you put your hand in the bible, yes, the old MAGIC BOOK you guys talk about, and then you swear to tell the truth.
You, your fathers before you and most likely your children will be ONE NATION UNDER GOD. So, stop fighting about this issue. The fact is, you DO believe in GOD, just because you PERSONALLY, don’t agree with your government, who gives a ¡#@$%.

And for those who are not in the USA, they just remind me of a wise guy, who walk into a restaurant and is serve the best meal of his life. And after he eaten, he stands up and ask. “Is there a chef in the kitchen?” NO you idiot, there is no CHEF, the food you eat just EVOLUTIONATED to be ready for you to eat. How do you like that?

Of course there is a GOD, and he talked to us all the time, but just like you did when you were a child, no matter what your parents said to you, you didn’t LISTEN to them and if they force you to do anything, you will rebel against them. So why do you want GOD to force you to listen to him? You can hear him if you want to, but the truth is, you don’t, that doesn’t mean that there is no GOD.



Well Said, Metalshine.

God isn't Peter Pan. He doesn't exist because we believe in Him.

He isn't sustained because we close our eyes and whisper "I believe , I believe"...But WE ARE.

Those who believe see. And they understand what previously may have been difficult to grasp. The beautiful thing is that you don't HAVE to believe. God doesn't force Himself on anyone (though some of His followers can get overzealous, unfortunately). If you don't believe it doesn't change God. He loves all of us but He goes on regardless of what we choose.

When you do believe, you begin a journey on a path that changes you in a wonderful way. It's not something that can be put into words...It's something that has to be experienced.

Take away all the theological and scientific debates, the church talk, even scripture (which exists because human minds who thirst for God need to put concepts beyond human understanding into human terms) and it's just about a choice: I can Trust and relate with the Creator of the Universe who knows how it all works or lean soley upon my own opinions and views as I face the daily struggles of life.

I choose the former.

If, at the end, it turns out there really is nothing out there except random matter, what have I lost by believing?


"God isn't Peter Pan. He doesn't exist because we believe in Him."

I disagree. He ONLY exists because we believe in him. That's the difference in a believer and a non-believer.

As for what you just said... so, then... you believe in God... are you a Christian?


If, at the end, it turns out there really is nothing out there except random matter, what have I lost by believing?

Your mind?

Seriously, you would have missed out on all the grandeur, wonder, beauty and magnificence of the whole of creation. Of everything. Seems a shame to swap all that for a mundane childish fantasy about a dull witted 'god' and his lego box.


In response to metalshine. Although I'm not exactly a US history buff, I think that Under God was added by one of the later Presidents, who, as we can see by the examples of Bush and Reagan, didn't all have a "high intellect".

Next, your rehash of the Paley watchmaker argument. Of course I don't believe that the meal "evolutionated"... seriously, is it that hard to make the jump from evolution to evolved? Anyway, I also don't believe that a magic, invisible man decided to create it out of thin air, having never seen food before, serve it, then proceed to wreak havoc on the meal for the rest of time. The comparison of the universe to a watch, meal or any man-made object is flawed as the universe is random, both are complex, but that does not make the connection valid.

If you are comparing the chef to God, then the chef must have had parents, who had parents, and so on and so on. Does this imply God has a father? The implication of the chef, God, creating the meal surely means that other things would be created by other people, the chef can't do everything, so are there different creators? How can you try and compare your all powerful, all seeing, all knowing, infinite creator to a chef?

Oh, and is it just me, or does anyone else accidentally read skrayper as skyraper?

Go on, prove me wrong. Destroy the fabric of the universe. See if I care


I think "Under God" was indeed added sometime fairly recently in the 1930s or 40s.

As for TimeChanger:
I'm a Christian and I find this movie to be embarrassingly bad even by cheaply made "Christian" movie standards.

It's a badly made movie regardless of the theme. The acting, writing, production values, every aspect is poor to amateur. McLeod and Linden are decent but if I were them I'd leave it off the resume. The theology preached in the movie is flawed and horribly misleading to Christians and nonChristians alike. In fact, it's probably detrimental to the spreading of the true Christian faith and would probably be more useful as a tool to drive people away from the church rather than draw them in. TimeChanger gives a distorted view of Jesus' teachings. For instance, Jesus wasn't self-righteous or judgemental ("... he without sin cast the first stone..."). He hung out with the lowlifes of society not the high priests (aka the "moral majority" and "religious right". Pardon my judgementalness there.) Being a good Christian or even just a good person has little or nothing to do with whether you curse or drink alcohol or have premarital sex. It's about how you treat other people. The movie fails as entertainment(unless you give it the MST3K treatment and endlessly mock it) and even moreso as a teaching tool. It commits the worst sin of bad teaching... teaching opinion as fact.
Don't think of this as a Christian movie. It's not. It's a movie made by an ultra rightwing sect. Their intentions may be good, but their result is sad.

Avoid this movie unless you're looking for guidance on how to make a bad "Christian" movie.





We see our Victorian scientist fellow trying to blast a Bible into the far future
I thought that was rather funny considering his transporter would have landed it behind a dumpster in an alley. It was also absurd since he had traveled to the future himself and knew perfectly well, the bible is still in print. Besides, if he succeeded and someone actually found such a fancy volume, it would have either ended up in someone's private collection or behind bulletproof glass in a museum.

My name is Colin Creevey
and I'm a photoholic.


He was trying to see when the end of the world was supposed to happen. The time machine failed to transport the bible too far into the future implying there was no future after a certain date. That is why he was bringing the date forward by 10 years for each attempt.


I was disappointed that the final reading on the dial was not shown as 2012. After all, that is when the End Of The World was predicted and the God Fearing Christians would experience rapture, while the rest of us would be wiped out by a comet, a black hole or fire.

Imagine how many extra converts they could have obtained through this scare tactic. When the end fails to appear, they could always edit the movie to show 2020 on the dial.
