RE-WAtch. It stinks.

Not seen this since the cinema and we are reading the books again as parents of youngling and watching the movies afterwards. This is a really poor film. It lacks the charm of the first film and the quality of the acting is very poor, especially from the kids. The effects have not aged well and it is far too long for a slim volume of the series. In short I rate this one of the worst HP movies.


yet the mudblood scene from when Draco calls Hermione a mudblood to Hagrid's comforting her was one the best done scene in the entire series.

Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain (Isaac Asimov)


I don't know where this came from, but I thought that scene was especially poor. Nobody seemed to react much -- or at all -- to his use of that word ... and once again, knowledge is shifted from someone else to Hermione, so it looks like she knows absolutely everything, when she explains about the word instead of Ron.


I like that scene too. It's standout is the score. I like the sentimentality of it in that scene. The score as a whole for COS is solid, though in many ways I view it as a rehash of the first film.


I thought the acting was at least OK (Rickman and Branagh were great) and the special effects pretty good, they fit the story and overall tone.


I disagree, the movie is great, acting is very good and I love the sets.


I disagree. I still like the first two films more than the third, fourth or sixth.

Accept your fears. Confront your demons. Find your destiny in chaos.


Just rewatched myself after years and thoroughly enjoyed this one, Sorcerer's Stone had held up worse in my opinion. But I've always enjoyed this film, going forward the films dropped more and more storylines, some even becoming difficult to follow for non-book readers.
