Rons' fear of Spiders

I know Rupert Grint was also afraid of Spiders but I wonder what caused Ron to be afraid of them?


In the books it is stated that when Ron was a small child, Fred transfigured his teddy bear that he was holding at the time into a spider in revenge for breaking his toy broomstick. This gave him a lifelong fear.


Because what are older brothers for?

Ron reminds me a lot of Harrison Ford in these movies...

Ron: Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'follow the butterflies'?
Indiana Jones: Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?

Plus, that scene in DH P2 when he goes running after Malfoy & Co. shouting "That's my girlfriend!" always reminds me of Han running after the stormtroopers in ANH.


what are older brothers for
