MovieChat Forums > Personal Velocity: Three Portraits (2002) Discussion > understanding the movie industry ... ...

understanding the movie industry ...

Does anyone know how the movie industry (in regards to distribution) works (or doesn't)? As an example, movies (hopefully) going to TV after they've been released in theaters?...I see soo many movies that've been produced and hope to see them available after the theater release...(even pay per view)...but they never seem to go any times, it's even nearly impossible to find them for sale or rental ( if they never went to the duplicator)...Likewise, the theater release is so limited (I guess because of competition, etc, etc,) that most (just good'ol-regular folks like myself) will probably never have the opportunity to see it...
The reasen I've posted this here, is that it seems to be a good example of what I'm taking probably won't be very easy to see this movie...even in the (not so near) future???...On the other end of the spectrum...there are some movies...most aren't very good and weren't 'blockbusters'...yet they are on TV every weekend...for years on end???...what's the deal?...thanks...

It's a Sunshine life for me...If I could get away from this Cloud over me...
