Fairuza Balk

I wondered why I liked Fairuza Balk so much...I'd never heard of her? Then I saw: she's Mercedes from Vice City! No wonder I fell immediately in love with her!
Hope to see her again in a lot of movies because I thought she was pretty wonderful in this one..


I really like her, too. When I was little I used to watch Return to Oz and The Worst Witch, two of her earlier films. I was watching The Craft one night and my mom said, "You know that's the girl from Return to Oz, right." I got especially excited when I saw her in Almost Famous. The girl picks good films to do.

"The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."
~The Terminator


she was also in a movie called "dueces wild".


Yeah, she really does choose the good ones. I first saw her in American X... also a great film.


my favorite character from this movie was parker posey's. Whom I happen to like a smidge better than balk who I already love.





Fairuza's story was the only good one. Probably because she did one heck of a job in her performance.
