MovieChat Forums > Sun Mool (2001) Discussion > Kind of a WASTED effort.

Kind of a WASTED effort.

This movie, even though with great & quality production, is A MESS!!
Odd pacing and it tries a lil too hard to make the scene 'work'. The 'heartfelt' soundtrack comes on TOO MANY times and is not varied enough. Lazy composer with too many projects perhaps??

The direction & screenplay at times could've been much much better!
In general, the story is great on paper but what translated on screen is something which I do not desire to watch twice. But that doesn't mean the story doesn't have its issues and oddities! The sudden change of the parents heart and lack of explanation for their previous issues is very odd and unbelievable. Same goes for Lee Jung Jae's acting. well, maybe the screenplay & director is to be blamed. They didn't make me feel & believe THE STORY.

Styling of the actors could've been better too! sigh.. many bad decisions.
A great example of what worked is the korean film, "MORE THAN BLUE"! Now that's where MANY GOOD DECISIONS were made. "More Than Blue" truly showed the sensibilities & good taste of everyone involved in the movie!!
