confusion confusion

i just watched the "trust n betrayal" and "reflection" on youtube (yeah i was too impatient) and i think there are some missing pieces..i am thinking of buying the whole thing to watch it ALL cuz i really loved what i saw so shud i watch it in chronological order? i mean the series first and then the motion picture and then T&B and then reflection ... is there a complete DVD set containing all this ?


Watch them in this order:

Trust n betrayal
Series season 1
Series season 2
Series season 3 (optional)
Motion picture


No way. Watch it in this order:

Tokyo Ark
Kyoto Ark
Jinchu Ark(you must read the manga. Do not touch the 3rd season)
Samurai X: The Motion Picture
Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal
Samurai X: Reflection

Watching Trust & Betrayal first is just too confusing on the audience.
