how did kenshin die

what happend?


he contracted a illness due to his expousure to countless battles and it weakened his immune system physically made him suceptable to diseases. and not to mention that he was not properly taking good care of himself he constantly kept pushing himself beyond human capablities. it's no differnt then pushing yourself to the max non-stop and then cacthing a cold because of not resting porperly! megumi said that he caught a illness that they had no cure for so it was something that mutated due to the conditions that shinta put himself through.

also word is that he caught the ilnness due to his helping those who had caught dieases and syphilis is the possible reason to?

"life is a invincible, fragile, infinitly intrinsic, simplistic, basic intriguing existence"


I agree with the syphilis. It matches the symptoms. First parts of the body develop rashes, then you begin to rot, and lastly it eats your brain. Fits what happened to Kenshin to a T. It's also highly contagous through bodily fluids so it would explain why Kaoru caught it so easily.

Witty closing remarks have been replaced by massive head trauma and severe hemorrhaging-JtHM


I thought it was Tuberculosis. Especially since almost everyone that was sick had TB.
