just plain dull

a film set in an alternative universe aimed and marketed at Koreans. hmmm.

to be honest every country has people who wish history had gone in a different direction. only the Koreans feel the need to make a movie about it.

very dull and overblown, avoid like the plague - 1/10

thanks and good night.


I agree, it is a horrible movie. Not worth watching, and I can watch almost anything.



Not only that, but had you paid attention you would have seen that the movie ISN'T about "wishing things had gone differently". In the alternate timeline presented in the movie, Korea is a colony of Japan, and the efforts of the heros is to restore history back the way it was... to our present timeline.



Hmm i haven't seen the movie but from the plot outline, this is kinda ghetto. I mean if i were to travel back in time i would just bring my futuristic guns and go back to the stone age and conquer the world, but that's just me.


There is this thing called Science Fiction that's at times pretty neat. It allows you to create stories of fictional worlds that could have or never will exist. There is also the requirement to not take a science fiction film seriously. The point of asking "Why would they make a film with an alternate timeline" just kinda puts a buzz kill on the entire thing.

It would be the equal to asking "why didn't they just send an army of Terminators to retrive John Connor since one is having so much trouble?"

Well then you wouldn't have a movie.



"Final Countdown" ring a bell?
