Will it EVER happen????



It didn't seem to get much exposure at the time it was shown, and as far as I know Channel 4 have only repeated it once. But Garth Marenghi's Dark Place is getting a DVD release (woo-hoo!) so perhaps there's hope for this too!

How rebellious... in a conformist sort of way.
~ Lisa Simpson



I do, of course, realise that when these words were typed:"It is getting a release, Iannucci just had a problem with securing the music rights for a dvd release, so he has to find some other music which he can afford the rights to, hopefully well see it by the end of the year" - They were NOT chisled into stone as some kind of literal 'gospel truth'..... BUT, with a mere six weeks to go beofre the end of this year, there's little time for this superb series to get that DVD release it so clearly deserves.

I've noticed that on some DVD and VHS commercial releases of TV series there've been certain cuts due to the music - Notably on the Brass Eye DVD - On the 2001 'Paedo-geaddon' special on TV, a clip of the 1960's song "Young Girl" (..."get ouuta my life, you're much too young girl...") was missing.

So, although all good things come tho those who wait.... Just hurry up Armindi Ioanuchi.

"They're making a new film of Moses.It's not finished,but the baby looks great in the rushes"


According to Wikipedia (whoever posted it)
'A DVD of the series has now been approved after years of wrangling and is expected mid 2006.'

i do hope so!
all i have is a vhs recording (those were the days) of a couple of episodes.

I'm blind as a bat. Everything's all foggy.
I could get lost in that fog.


Can't wait till may.



He was on Radio 2 today and confirmed that it'll be out this year!

How rebellious... in a conformist sort of way.
~ Lisa Simpson


my downloaded version is pants, i cant wait to get this.

"one day son, all of this will be yours"
"what? the curtains!?"
Monty Python and The Holy Grail


oo where did you download it from? I have an average quality dvd from ebay but the sound synch is a second out which is annoying.


You can download it from demonoid, but it's VHS quality.

'It's a good thing I keep my mouth closed.'


You can download it from demonoid, but it's VHS quality.


Check out http://www.beingarmando.com -- the official site for the DVD release. It'll be available on September 4th.



It's pretty good actually. I've had it for about a week now and just got around to watching it this weekend. I'd never seen the show before, but I thought it was great. Just watching the bit where the east end thug threatens his appliances :) Got a few decent deleted scenes as well.



IT'S OUT!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!
Absolutely loved it when it was first aired and have been searching for it on dvd or bit torrent for ages now. Serendipitously glimpsed an ad decreeing its imminent release a couple of weeks ago and nigh on burst out of my skin.

Will have to purchase v soon and show all those I've mentioned it to who had no idea what i was talking about :)



So, I got the DVD last week: Ima pimp dis show to all my frends, yo.

"Find out what to think next!"
-Chris Morris, "Brasseye"

