
Hey Im Verenice and some of my songs were in the movie and yeah it sat for a while, but that was not because the movie was "bad" it was because the distribution company went through a lot of transitioning. My mother did sales for the movie and i watched all of it. But the movie sold all over the world so regardless of what the ratings are, the movie sold really well. Yeah, they did rescore-and the score was done by the guy who did all the music for "FAME" and all. he was the first guy to make music on a PC. and yes, it was recut by ABC family. If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask, and that way, you can get FACTS.


So when is it ever going to be shown again? I missed it when it came on ABCFamily, and I thought they'd reshow it a million times like they do everything else. They didn't...So I missed out. Any idea if it is coming out on DVD or anything? Thanks!


It's already out on DVD. You can get it from Amazon, or maybe eBay.
