
PLEASE NOT my sns is NOT for this verion. Neway has anyone noticed the similarities between the German film . Like how the girl said that it was the movie idea was mad fifty years ago and Lang made his film in 27?? I love both films and they are both individual but they are kinda the same..



Hmm... exactly how close is it? because I have heard many metropolis fans (I mean, fans of Fritz Lang's movie) get upset because of the similarities and the fact no monetary compensation was paid to his estate... I don't think any monetary compensation was needed... However, I also don't think that Tezuka failed to acknowledge his origins... If he was, he shouldn't have named it Metropolis. He named it metropolis in order to be a direct update (well, update for the 50's anyhow, which is I believe when the manga was released) rewrite of the movie...

But, I heard much of the movie was lost and that parts of the story were missing... If that's the case, doesn't that, and the robot society, and the other numerous things that are DIFFERENT make it just an homage.

Even if he was just ripping Lang off, he got his just returns when Disney made lion king. I mean, it all came back on him (as the anime Metropolis is probably more popular now than the '27 silent film, Lion King is much more well known than Jungle Taitei... And in both cases, the latter was probably better technically speaking in presentation.)

But I do want to see the old one, though I don't know if I could sit through a silent film... It seems this is much different than the stuff that came out in the US at that time... And it would be interesting to make a comparison...

Roger Ebert was a fan of Lang's film, and a fan of the anime... I think he had some things to say about the similarities, but does anyone know where to find them?

Does Fritz Lang's movie make all of those biblical allusions? The Zigguraut? Hmm... Are all the characters in the anime/manga representations of characters in the original, or even most of them? Just how similar are they, really?


the lion king is also something else...a little play called hamlet.


Does Fritz Lang's movie make all of those biblical allusions?

Yep....I haven't seen the anime version so other than what you've mentioned about it I have no idea. I took a German Cinema class and we watched Fritz Lang's Metropolis and had to do some papers on it. The Biblical allusions were a very large part of the symbolism in the original film. If the anime version also has it, I would assume it to be more than a coincidence.


i just dont agree with calling it the "anime version". im not saying its a rip off or anything, i just think its not quite close enough to be considered one. but not different enough to be its own movie. quite the conundrum.
