
I can't believe I seem to have been the first to notice the similarity of Atlas the revolutionary in Metropolis and Atlas the revolutionary in Bioshock

plus there's the fact that Metropolis has a retro futuristic art deco style and Bioshock has a similar retro futuristic art deco style as well

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


I was reminded of Bioshock a lot throughout the film as well. I just watched it tonight. However, I must say that Bioshock was epic and this was very very bad imo.

I am free in all the ways that you are not


Oh, wow! That's what Bioshock reminded me of! The bit of Bioshock I played, I was like "Wait a second... Deja vu here." I eventually gave up on Bioshock out of boredom (probably should try it again), but then again I almost gave up on Metropolis, too.

2001 Metropolis 7/10
1912 The Girl and Her Trust 6/10
2010 The Bounty Hunter 3/10
