
i totally forgot about this show till right now. is there anywhere where i can get more info on it? maybe pictures or video clips? the one clear recolection i have of this show is one guest that they had on it...the guy who did the voice of roger rabbit


You Tube has clips from the direct-to-video release version of the show. Boy did this bring back memories:


Charles Fleichser <-- (maybe a misspelling) was his name. They also had Dick DeBartollio from MAD Magazine on a few times. That was a great episode as well. I can't help on the links for I have only found a 5 min. promo myself but I do remember seeing the Don't Just Sit There Survival Guide in some Video Store 16 yrs. ago and I knew I should have bought it then. (I bought Ghoulies instead)In case you are a patch wearin' booty lover it'll give you something to search for.
