Imprisonment by illiteracy

The best way to hold someone back is by preventing education. This was one of those documentaries you watch and get annoyed because you witness a systematic pattern of abuse that spans generations. This reminds me of the way battered women return to their abusers because they have nowhere else to go and feel they cannot survive on their own.

Let's see if I have this right...

1. Have a child.
2. Provide minimal education
3. Encourage the child to quit school at a young age for a work with his hands.
4. As the child grows up, discourage contact with the outside world.
5. Isolate everyone and tell them it's God's work.
6. Treat them to a little rumspringa and ignore what they do. Let them smoke, drink, party, etc.
7. Even though the child may want to leave, they now realize how difficult and hopeless it will be. Tell them God is calling them.
8. Threaten to excommunicate them if they leave the church.
9. Have all the children you can - you're not doing anything else anyway.
10. Go back to step 1.

I also got a sense of hypocrisy. No TVs, no radio, no outside contact. I thought it had something to do with electricity, but I was wrong because they can buy washers and dryers, cell phones, etc.

I still find it odd that the kids spoke with a Northern accent and also used language used by people outside their community which leads me to believe they are not as isolated as they want us to believe.

This is a perfect lifestyle for people who do not want to challenge themselves or do more than the basics.


This is a gross misrepresentation of the Amish based on your own ignorance. Before you go and accuse others of being "uneducated" you might want to educate yourself on exactly who you are accusing. The Amish are actually well educated. They are also not totally isolated and uninformed about the outside world. They read local newspapers and some have even used the Internet, even though they may not have them at home. The purpose of the Amish of not using as much electricity and technology as the rest of the world does is because of their wish not to get caught up with our modern day obsession with consumerism and useless material possessions. Also, living within their own community would naturally create a greater sense of family, bonding, and a sense of belonging with the sharing of common values and beliefs, something our modern world is greatly lacking in. This isn't to say that the Amish are perfect, but your opinion shows a great lack of knowledge of who you are criticizing and shows, instead, the ignorance that comes when one culture misunderstands another culture.
Just because there are a some Amish teenagers that end up making bad decisions and getting mixed up in drug addiction, doesn't mean that is a reflection of Amish society as a whole. If that was a basis on which one could use to criticize an entire way of living then modern western societies such as the United States could easily be condemned and dismissed outright.
Much of the misinformed and prejudiced opinions expressed on this board tells me much about the bias that people hold their own way of living in. People will find anyway to be able to condemn any way of living that isn't pro-consumerist and ultra-liberal.


They usually leave school after eighth grade though... correct? That amount of education is horrendous in modern society. i know knowledge is 'sinful' and 'pride' inducing but damn...

I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.<3


I agree with you.
